what? how much time do you think has passed?
Am I being trolled? I feel like I am. Season 1 episode 1 "Pilot" Walt turns 50 years old.
Season 4 episode 12 "End Times" Walt poisons Brock.
At this point Walt is not yet 51. Season 5 episode 4 "Fifty One" Walt turns 51. This is 5 episodes after Walt poisons Brock.
We are now on season 5 episode 11. So from "End Times" to "Fifty One" a couple months, tops, has gone by. From "Fifty One" to now, a few more months have gone by, and the timeline hasn't been as concrete. At most it's been 5 or 6 months since "Fifty One", at most.
So the longest realistic scenario would involve Brock being poisoned 9 months ago? Maybe less? 100% within a calender year.
EDIT: Regardless, does it matter? Does a few more months really make Jesse any less upset that Walt poisoned someone he cared about and lied to him about it?