"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


May 12, 2012
Still, I think you HAVE to put Krazy 8 in the top 5. The build-up to that kill, plus its status of being the "original sin" can't be ignored.

word i've been sayin that Hiesenburg's whole steez was jacked from the performance crazy 8 put on before he tried to shank Walt.

and i took it as since Walt was the only one to see it, he's the only one in the story really hip to it (outside of Mike and maybe Meth Damon)

So he's just been taking that same angle at everyone and they never see it coming


All Star
May 1, 2012
I noticed that Walt's silver tongue was more than useless this episode. He started it with lying to Skylar about his boss keeping him out late. Then in the present he couldn't persuade the Nazis to let Hank go, Hank to let it go, Skylar that he didn't kill Hank & Walt Jr. that he isn't a drug dealer & murderer. What was with those weird drawing of Skylar, Walt and Walt Jr? I've never seen those before. Also, Walt was dirty for airing Jesse out about Jane.

Todd put the beats on Jesse that hit him with the classic: "Let's cook." like he wasn't working him over for everything he knew. The picture of Andrea and Brock was a nice touch.

These have got to be the most sensible, level headed and efficient Nazis ever. I haven't heard one slur this whole time. One thing that bugged me was the ink on his hand. Either that's some strong ass ink or fam is so calm that he didn't sweat because the writing had not one smudge. It works out nicely that he gives Walt a barrel and doesn't put him in the hole with Gomez and Hank on Todd's accord. I'm surprised that Walt went spilling the beans thinking that he could just smooth everything over.

Marie came through dressed like the Ace of Spades and told Skylar that "Big Bank take Little Bank" the whole episode. The color of her clothes was too overt. She should have worn Tiger Woods red to show confidence because that's what she was.

*Didn't two plates fall from the wall when Walt and Skylar were fighting? When they show the next camera angle, the plate next to Walt's head is back up there.
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May 7, 2012
People are stupid...
I'm not going to lie real time until he hung the phone up I saw skylars face and heard her sorry and threw the battery I was like ohh :leon: Walt wanted to make sure jr has one parent left .
But on the other hand I'm still fukk Jesse that's what he gets for trying to go the bytch way of taking down Walt :snoop: either go to the real authorities and snitch and take your consequences or kill him ... This half ass foolishness got him fukked up


May 2, 2012
St. Louis
That Victor one is probably my favorite. That to me is still one of the only killings I've seen on TV that made me uncomfortable. shyt was just to real looking and took Gus' character to a whole other level.

1. Gus
2. Cartel (Grouping them all into one)
3. Victor
4. Hank
5. Gale

That's exactly what I was thinking

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
I noticed that Walt's silver tongue was more than useless this episode. He started it with lying to Skylar about his boss keeping him out late. Then in the present he couldn't persuade the Nazis to let Hank go, Hank to let it go, Skylar that he didn't kill Hank & Walt Jr. that he isn't a drug dealer & murderer. What was with those weird drawing of Skylar, Walt and Walt Jr? I've never seen those before. Also, Walt was dirty for airing Jesse out about Jane.

Todd put the beats on Jesse that hit him with the classic: "Let's cook." like he wasn't working him over for everything he knew. The picture of Andrea and Brock was a nice touch.

These have got to be the most sensible, level headed and efficient Nazis ever. I haven't heard one slur this whole time. One thing that bugged me was the ink on his hand. Either that's some strong ass ink or fam is so calm that he didn't sweat because the writing had not one smudge. It works out nicely that he gives Walt a barrel and doesn't put him in the hole with Gomez and Hank on Todd's accord. I'm surprised that Walt went spilling the beans thinking that he could just smooth everything over.

Marie came through dressed like the Ace of Spades and told Skylar that "Big Bank take Little Bank" the whole episode. The color of her clothes was too overt. She should have worn Tiger Woods red to confidence because that's what she was.
Actually his silver tongue saved Sky from possible life in jail from the RICO charge that would hit Walt when they present the charges against him, also he had Uncle Jack reveal his weakness for Todd to him, yes he was not able to save Hank but when he got up and that hank-shake sealed Uncle Jacks death, he gave just enough info to show his weakness was family also and that Todd idolized him. Walt knew what was up when Jack shot Hank, he couldn't be trusted, money was not a motive for him and that Todd was special to him. He also showed him how he relies on Kenny to get jobs done and that he is doing the same thing that every enemy he has done which is underestimate him. :smugdraper: Jack thinking he is the king now and that he checkmated Walt, :demonic: Walt is dead now, Jack got to deal with a wounded Heisenberg, you saw the chess piece in the corner, no turning back from what he going to do.


Feb 21, 2013
Lakers, Dodgers


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
Rewatching it and :wow:

Marie was felling herself then when she found out Hank was in the bushes she was like :dwillhuh: :lupe: :sadcam: "bbbut Hank had him in cuffs :lupe: " :to:

She thinks Walt is a meth cooking, magician, super goon now.

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
I gotta co-sign. Im a big fan of both shows but I dont see how being more realistic is a reason for a show bein better. These are 2 completely different types of shows and both are great in their own ways. Its kind of like arguing MJ/Magic, Kobe/Lebron, Barry/Emmit, etc. All greats, but tough to compare bc of how different they are. Same with these 2 shows
When people criticize a show for being unrealistic its usually because of obvious plot holes...If you have holes that are quickly or lazily filled up to put a full story together, (or worse are never filled) then that can legitimately be a criticism...I don't think this is more of an issue with Breaking Bad than it is with most shows.. But it is something that can be pointed out..

The reason The Wire (up until season 5) and Sopranos didnt have many plotholes is because they were more "art imitating life" type shows..Many of the story lines were adaptations of real life people and scenarios that Davids Simon met while being a reporter...Omar, Stringer and Avon were real life people in Baltimore....The Sopranos are based off of the DeCavalcante crime family from New Jersey..Most of the stories happened to real Gambino and Luchese soldiers...When you do an adaptation of "ripped from the headlines" type stories its easier to have a consistent character.. Because the blueprint is there..And its based off of reality and history...I'm not sure if a nerdy school teacher, who's brother-n-law/best friend is in the DEA has ever become one of the biggest drug traffickers in America, within a 12 month period all while dying of cancer..What is the blueprint for that type of character? It's an ambitious undertaking and I give Vince props because he gets it "right" 90% of the time..

And its not an easy task..But still I think he lets his imagination run wild or he'll bring in a character (like Todd) with no in depth back story to explain why they are doing the things they do...I think the biggest reason for this is the condensed timeline, which has always been my biggest beef with the show..I don't have a problem that a lot of these scenarios happen on BB...It just seems like a stretch that they would all happen to the small inner circle of people all within such a short span of time...

With The Wire and Sopranos the story lines and ensemble casts were so broad that witnessing all these "wild and unpredictable" things happening seemed more reasonable because they werent just only happening to Tony and Carmela and they all didnt occur within an 18 month period..The Wire or Sopranos would have showed us what Saul Goodman does when he goes home on the weekend...Im not even sure if he has a wife or kids...For Huell Babineaux to be such a vital piece to the final season's plot we knew nothing about him or his back story...When he snitches its not like... "we knew that would happen" or " no not Huell how could he?!?" It's more like "Oh well I guess" :ld:
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