I said the exact same thing a few posts before.
Great Episode.....
Maybe not as much action but I'm not surprised, especially having the doublemoments last episode with The Confession and Jess going
Anybody who has watched this show knows every season has a few slow episodes that helps build the action in later episodes.
I'll let everybody else do the nitpicking and bytching. This shyt is just great television and just speculating on how these last 4 episodes will turn out got me
This season has already given us so many great moments though....
Season 4 the "Cornered" episode...
Mike freely offers Gus unwarranted advice to "hit them where they live". Exact same way Jesse threatened Walt in "Rabid Dog".
when the season started.
Also the big bald hard looking dude at the end of "Rabid Dog" waiting for his daughter was homage to Mike and his grand daughter.
at Drake with the cheesy ass grin in every scene.
Walt has used all his lives now and it's almost over. I'm pretty adamant that he wont spend a day in prison though. If anything it'll be Hank and he's going to get it bad once Walt dies and that tape is leaked.
Funny how one mans refusal to bend over and die or leave his family in financial ruin has led him to dragging his family name through mud and effectively ending the career of his brother in law. This will end in tragedy, I just hope the little baby aint involved
Meth Damon
Couple more random things.
All the pictures in Walt's hotel room are from To'haliilee, New Mexico. Where him and Jesse cooked their first batch of meth in season 1, ep 1, where he buried his money in season 5, ep 10, and "To'haliilee" is the name of the episode this Sunday.
Marie was researching poisons on Wikipedia (as someone pointed out earlier, she quoted Wikipedia almost exactly) the same way Skyler was researching money laundering on Wikipedia in season 3, episode 12.
Holy shyt.
The pink teddy bear was in last week's ep. When Jesse is leaving the house with Hank, look at the tree behind them:
Like I said, expect the shyt to hit the fan shortly.