tomorrow night can't come soon enough 

skylar does have that line talking about how one day someone will come knocking wanting to hurt her or the family (thats why she sent the kids to hanks house)all the walt/gus simliarities are making me think about the gus flashback scene... in that scene, they kill gus's "boyfriend" and eventually Gus gets his revenge by poisoning...
so we see walt getting the poison, I think that delcan or lydias goons will kill what walt loves the most (his wife or his son or both) so he will attempt to pull a gus and kill the bad guys to extract revenge... i bet you anything that walt will be lying face down and looking directly into the face of skylar or whoevers dead body the same way gus did it!
all the walt/gus simliarities are making me think about the gus flashback scene... in that scene, they kill gus's "boyfriend" and eventually Gus gets his revenge by poisoning...
so we see walt getting the poison, I think that delcan or lydias goons will kill what walt loves the most (his wife or his son or both) so he will attempt to pull a gus and kill the bad guys to extract revenge... i bet you anything that walt will be lying face down and looking directly into the face of skylar or whoevers dead body the same way gus did it!
one minor complaint, how would Hank know Walt blew up the nursing home... Gus killed the Cartel dudes and the "story" is the Cartel got revenge on Gus..that's what Declan thought at least and he is actually in the underworld.....where could you possibly link Heisenberg to Gus death...walt snuck in and the only two people who know are ding ding ding (dead) and Walt
all the walt/gus simliarities are making me think about the gus flashback scene... in that scene, they kill gus's "boyfriend" and eventually Gus gets his revenge by poisoning...
so we see walt getting the poison, I think that delcan or lydias goons will kill what walt loves the most (his wife or his son or both) so he will attempt to pull a gus and kill the bad guys to extract revenge... i bet you anything that walt will be lying face down and looking directly into the face of skylar or whoevers dead body the same way gus did it!
I can't remember what episode it's in, but isn't it acknowledged by someone that the Cartel hit was understood by those in the know to be just a cover story for Fring's death?
Declan seemed to know Heisenberg was behind the hit when Mike told him that Walt was the man who killed Gus Fring in their meeting in the desert. That's what instigated the know famous "say my name" exchange.
Plus he learned from mike always have a go bag and split your money up. Skyler spent money on Ted , he knows not have it all with her or with Saul .I think Walt still has his money when the shyt hits the fan.
Re watching the season 5 opening episode.... Waitress was stressing him about the free meal at Denny's on your birthday. Said she would still take the deal if she was rich.
Walt obliges and shows her his fake ID.
He also paid for the M60 in cash.