Abolishing ICE is different than repeal and replacing ICE.
That's my only issue. I'd prefer the latter. Or at least show a bill showing that's what she intends to do.
I like her as a politician. I just don't like the idea of an open-border policy floating around.
I agree with your ICE statement, I don't even understand why any Black Americans would be for abolishing ICE. If it needs to change some of it's practices that fine but ICE wouldn't be necessary if people followed the laws of entering the US. This is like standing in teh line for the new gaming system and some ass hole jumps the line and everyone in the back is like okay wtf, then the dude lets 20 other people cut in front of him. Then the attendent says we only have 25 systems left. WTF....why should people in the line be pushed back for following the laws/rules? You need an enforcement agency otherwise just open the borders and let everyone in and suffer any consequences.
now where i probably don't agree with you, is all the promises of free stuff. It's bullshyt. There's a huge difference in spending money on defense (which employees citizens and gives them free education) vs spending money on free college. College is something you earn, through free education k-12. If you don't earn the right then you either pay the premium or you figure out another route.
I get that she's the new shiny toy in the room, but her and other Bernie Progressive views are naive and would hurt America long time. Just my 2 cents. But I also understand why certain people (minorities) are for them at the same token there needs ot be more personal responsibility injected in households and communities.