How are they paying for all of this?
Tax dollars. And mostly from the ultra rich that arent currently paying taxes at all or at the proper rates. yes, time for them to give some of our money back.
Healthcare today is partially paid for by you out of your pocket and some by the government (depending on if you have a govvy plan or not). so if i charge you out of the pocket $300 per month on a normal health plan. But i say universal healthcare where we all have to kick in. and now you're paying $100 out of your taxes monthly. saving $200, which then $100 can go to free college(which the US of A actually use to have back in the 70's darn near. look up some of those prices for state schools. darn near free or actually free.)
You invest in your workforce to make them smarter so they can be prepared for the next thing coming.
Or keep them dumb down by overcharging for college and making sure a lot of them vote against their own interest based purely on racism and vote for another trump. your choice.