lol - mergers aren't monopolies breh, it's a sign that cash is being employed and that's what you want in periods of slow growth.
I agree with the tax cuts, they aren't needed....let's tax flat and remove deductions
let's work on the poverty line. but this mentality of "hey I'm making 55K, I'm happy, and have everything I need but this guy is making 10 million dollars and that's not right" needs to jump of a cliff.
I think even going back and forth with that guy is beyond corny.
Since AOC talked about the 70% top marginal rate...@ineedsleep212 i love when Thom debates this guy
we have this little thing called’s not illegal to come to the border and ask for asylum.
It should stay a progressive tax system. But put new brackets at the top going to 50% or wherever
Raise the corporate tax back... raise capital gains tax which is where the rich are making money
Let's just have true socialism. That way we can all be rich together. And that way no tax cuts or tax brackets need. Period. Problem solved.
But it is illegal to cross the border then ask for asylum.
Border agent:No, no, no, ma'am. If you want asylum, you have to ask over there.
flat tax?What I don't get is why everyone says "rich don't pay their fair share" .but when someone says let's flatten the tax code so everyone pays the same effective rate...the pitch forks come out
Someone define "paying your fair share " because maybe I'm far more educated and am taking it verbatim and literal and you guys are using some sort of political slang where it means something totally different then the literal meaning
FYI - you dont want to debate in economics, I continue to run circles and can easily show you consolidations at certain point is good for the economy in addition true monopolies rarely happen (due to anti trust laws)
Finally someone admits they are jealous a$$holes and don't want to work for their incentive , they just wanted to be handed bags of money. Waiting for king a Kreole and Choon and story teller to finally admit this is what they want also.
flat tax?
Policy Bae![]()
Please do thisim just gonna stop replying