thanks for saying i didn't research or know what I'm talking about then go right into regurgitating and expounding literally what I've already said. It really makes the discussion better when you try to make one person look like they have no idea what's going on then just repeat what's been said. Kudos on that debate skill you picked up.
Like when i stated this
and you replied with this
but I digress.
As I mentioned before AOC has no plans for any cuts, that's why she and her cohorts want PayGo CutGo to GOGO , it has nothing to do with your opinion on it because it's not based in fact and goes against the Progressives plans, they want to increase national debt because they feel America can just print more money and they rather invest now and assumingly kick the can down the road. That is 100% fact not what you're stating. And it's 100% obvious that if Dems or Repubs can cut certain programs to make room for others, then perhaps they aren't needed and those same cuts can/should be used on both sides since they were brought to the table. I get it, it's a game but for the American people it's real life and if there are excess programs being funded that can potentially be halted theey should be transparant and put on the table regardless of who utilizes the money. You and your mentality are kinda what's wrong, you don't want transparency unless it's on your terms.
AOC speaking up about this is irrelevant and has not impact on actually running the congress for the people.
Lol at the right wing trolls bringing up her high school videos
goddamn she short.
My bad, I thought the problem was you weren't reading the progressive points but I think you're just ignoring them and making up strawmen to take down. I'm not sure if it's sincere bias or disingenuous, but better not to waste my damned time regardless.
Likewise with that racy video
Lol at the right wing trolls bringing up her high school videos
This guy called it a racy video and identifies as a moderate. Racy.
please define the strawman. You took debate 101, I applaud you. You know what you're doing to confuse the argument and can throw out jargon but I'm asking direct questions and bringing up 100% facts no opinions. You can neg me all you want but can you refute anything I've said as false? You cannot , so I agree don't waste your damn time anymore.
As I mentioned before AOC has no plans for any cuts, that's why she and her cohorts want PayGo CutGo to GOGO , it has nothing to do with your opinion on it because it's not based in fact and goes against the Progressives plans, they want to increase national debt because they feel America can just print more money and they rather invest now and assumingly kick the can down the road. That is 100% fact not what you're stating.
And it's 100% obvious that if Dems or Repubs can cut certain programs to make room for others, then perhaps they aren't needed and those same cuts can/should be used on both sides since they were brought to the table. I get it, it's a game but for the American people it's real life and if there are excess programs being funded that can potentially be halted theey should be transparant and put on the table regardless of who utilizes the money. You and your mentality are kinda what's wrong, you don't want transparency unless it's on your terms.
I'ma do this one more time. Here's the definition of a strawman, "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument."
Here's a quote from AOC:
"Then, the last key, which is extremely important, is reprioritization. Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn't even ask for! They're, like, ‘we don't want another fighter jet!' They're, like, ‘don't give us another nuclear bomb,' you know? They didn't even ask for it, and we gave it to them. So a lot of what we need to do is reprioritize what we want accomplish as a nation. Really what this is about is saying health care is important enough for us to put first. Education is important enough for us to put first. That is a decision that requires political and moral courage from both parts of the aisle, period."
She has intimated that the military budget could be cut in multiple interviews and tweets. That's why I said, you should really read what the people you critique actually have been saying. The worst part is that the rest of your word salad is built around that false premise
And here's you throwing a strawman at me. I don't even agree with the premise that the disagreement is about transparency. The disagreement is that you don't need dollar for dollar cuts to offset any tax increase. Also note, that saying you don't need spending cuts to match tax increases to the dollar is not the same as saying we don't want tax cuts (aka your strawman from above). Simply put, take on the points that are actually being made instead of inventing your own to argue with.
Why isn't it realistic to cut the military budget?1)You defined strawman, so apply it to anything I've done to you. You tried at the end but that is not a strawman, you didn't even address what I stated, which was regarded Paygo ability to make spending increases without offset transparant to the general public without much digging as they would be called out to the naked eye. You and other who don't want that are putting in transparancy on your own terms - that's not in anyway a strawman, there's no misrepresentation , it's a direct argument regarding the specific attributes of PayGO. Perhaps you brush up on your comprehension and connotations.
2) AOC has mentioned that potential cuts to militay; however, we all know it's not realistic an in addtion her platform and Khanna is that debt doesn't matter and that comes straight from the idealogies they follow. those are facts again. You making quotes of her comparing spending on militiary and questioning why we couldn't allot that to health is misrepresentation of what she actually wants... then you follow up with she "intimated" cutting it. Again we both know she is not asking to cut military she just wants to pile debt and spend on her pet projects...period. Those are 100% facts - not intimates, not double talk, not strawmanning ...facts