
Aug 9, 2014
I’m not pitting them against each other. Just clearly showing two new congresswomen with the same ideas. One actually has a plan, one obviously doesn’t.

Yes opportunity zones help developers tremendously. I live in Atlanta black
Developers have opp zones on lock. In rural areas they bring jobs.

Even in poor rural areas, the poorest rural areas are disproportionately black across the board.

If we want to accomplish goals push somebody else to the front. Not this woman! I'm only shytting on her bc ppl going hard for her, bc of her ideas. But no one can tell me how? When ppl with her same ideas have well thought out plans!

Public persona is power in Congress, put somebody in power who can get stuff done. Not someone who tweets to ppl what they want to hear.:snoop:

I will continue shytting on her bc she is not the one to lead any movement, her webpage clearly states that. I’m not going to sit idle while ppl champion her it’s idiotic:heh:

I want to actually accomplish stuff not retweets

there's also no 70 page thread for any of these black liberals...

but a white latina starts spouting shyt and regurgitating Bernie Sanders talking points and all of a sudden she's the next coming.
I like Ayanna Presley, Rashida Tlaib, Lauren Underwood and Ilhan Omar a lot. It's not a one or the other type scenario breh. So wait for it. lol

so how come you havent' brought them up at all , instead of caping for AOC ?


Aug 9, 2014
You sure it was me? I'm not reading all your replies just the ones aimed at me. lol

nope - i just seen that poll before in this thread and I thought it was you maybe it was that "in the bag" guy. Regardless, the point Im making is if you read the survey it specifically states that people were asked and they didn't quite know what it was nor that it was a AOC driven initiative.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
there's also no 70 page thread for any of these black liberals...

but a white latina starts spouting shyt and regurgitating Bernie Sanders talking points and all of a sudden she's the next coming.

so how come you havent' brought them up at all , instead of caping for AOC ?
I just did bring them up. :mjlol: Why haven't you?
Feel free to make a thread about any of them instead of being a contrarian in here. :umad:


Aug 9, 2014
I just did bring them up. :mjlol: Why haven't you?
Feel free to make a thread about any of them instead of being a contrarian in here. :umad:

cmon breh...because I'm not arguing for or against these people. I'm arguing that AOC is a nonsense spouting hack and now that I think about it, there are several other minorities who could have been the face of this movement but for some reason the whiteish one was chosen and she's soaking it up without any real substance and you're defending it.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
cmon breh...because I'm not arguing for or against these people. I'm arguing that AOC is a nonsense spouting hack and now that I think about it, there are several other minorities who could have been the face of this movement but for some reason the whiteish one was chosen and she's soaking it up without any real substance and you're defending it.
Is she chosen or the one most active on social media/MSM? It's not a conspiracy dude. :yeshrug:

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
lol - she won a race.


She unseated an incumbent. One who was tapped to be the next Dem Speaker. Plus he outspent her 10-1. That's impressive.

she didn't put green into a national conversations - Obama did, JIll Scott did as well. No one is talking about the new green deal, except her which has created some media coverage but there's nothing to actually talk about because there's yet any actual substance.

She definitely put the "Green New Deal" into the national conversation. That topic, green in general, died in 2016 with Trump's win. Then she resurrected it and made it a top issue for Democrats, not just Progressives.

LOL@#3 how is she even measuring that? LMFAO

The last few tweets about congressional freshman orientations was very informative. Did any other congressional freshman do that in the last 4 years?

you guys can't tell she's an attention whore ? Like really? Look at what we (I) did before I swore in lol..."shone new lvl transparency to gov" LMFAO!!!

Keep giving her the light and she gonna shine. :weebeymeh:

This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shiiiiiiiiine. :singing_shaq:


Jun 6, 2012
New York

She unseated an incumbent. One who was tapped to be the next Dem Speaker. Plus he outspent her 10-1. That's impressive.

She definitely put the "Green New Deal" into the national conversation. That topic, green in general, died in 2016 with Trump's win. Then she resurrected it and made it a top issue for Democrats, not just Progressives.

The last few tweets about congressional freshman orientations was very informative. Did any other congressional freshman do that in the last 4 years?

Keep giving her the light and she gonna shine. :weebeymeh:

This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shiiiiiiiiine. :singing_shaq:
Word, @Perfectson keep it up, (this thread) upped. :krs:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I never attacked aoc new green deal plan. Bc she has no plan. She has a talking point, she has created no ideas, literature or policy developments for the new green deal.

I didn’t attack her plan bc it doesn’t exist, aoc tweets about the plan that’s it. You presented the question of the difference between aoc’s plan and Ayanna’s. And all I did was ask u if u were even sure aoc created her “unique and distinct plan”. Btw she didn’t :mjlol:

I only pointed the vast and clear differences between candidates with the more or less the same ideas and who had plans for those ideas and who didn’t.
So where is Ayanna's detailed plan for the Green New Deal that is any different than what AOC promotes? :dwillhuh:

You're in that zone right now where I legit can't tell if you're trolling or just lacking reading comprehension. I keep asking you direct questions with request for receipts, and you can't answer any of the questions straight, you just keep shifting the goalposts to other answers for questions that literally no one is asking.

Every legitimate candidate for Congress has detailed plans on their websites. I challenge u to find one that’s not aoc who was elected, for the first time; who hasn’t (republican or Democrat). It’s not something new that ppl do this, it’s been the minimum standard for DECADES!
Breh, the internet has barely even been around for "decades" yet, there ain't been this "minimum standard" you speak of. :skip:

And it was easy to find other Congressmen who got elected with far less detailed plans than AOC:

Tim Burchett for Congress


AOC's website that you linked referred to 9 different specific bills she is endorsing, described details for numerous other policies she supports, and linked to videos with further details. None of those congressmen were citing specific bills or actionable plans for most of their issues, and I only had to look at 5 websites to get 4 that were less detailed than AOC.

On your second point I took five seconds and googled freshmen congressmen with bills passed and found multiple links this past class :lolbron:

Take the five seconds and google, you may learn something.
You do realize that the three guys mentioned in your link were setting records that hadn't been hit in 30 years...and their total numbers for successful legislation were 2, 2, and 0.....And the only shyt they managed to get passed was all Homeland Security bullshyt.

There were 52 new representatives in 2016, and in two years the most legislation that any of them were able to get passed was TWO bills, and in both cases it was just some Homeland Security red meat for the base. And that was in a record-setting year with the Senate, House, and presidency all under Republican control.

And you STILL didn't show that any of that shyt passed because they wrote it on their website before they were elected. :francis:

On your last point wanting someone who brings conversations to the table and not caring about who writes the bills:hhh:

That laziness and twitter champion mindset is why you’re wrong and how stupid it was for you to even try to stan for her.

You’re more worried about the topic then what’s in the actual legislation.
No, because I do care about what's in the legislation, I don't want that shyt to be written by lone candidates who have never even served in Congress and who don't have a congressional staff or collaboration with other members yet. :why:

You still haven't been able to name ONE piece of meaningful, helpful legislation that was written and posted publicly by a candidate before they had even gotten signed in, yet you think that the minimum standard for all representatives is that they have the full detailed actionable plans up before they've even entered office.

Even though you still haven't shown that that has ever worked in real life. :sas1::sas2:
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2014

She unseated an incumbent. One who was tapped to be the next Dem Speaker. Plus he outspent her 10-1. That's impressive.

She definitely put the "Green New Deal" into the national conversation. That topic, green in general, died in 2016 with Trump's win. Then she resurrected it and made it a top issue for Democrats, not just Progressives.

The last few tweets about congressional freshman orientations was very informative. Did any other congressional freshman do that in the last 4 years?

Keep giving her the light and she gonna shine. :weebeymeh:

This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shiiiiiiiiine. :singing_shaq:

1) it was impressive because she made promises of free shyt that she can't keep. But impressive nonetheless but that's not an accomplishment for the people. If her getting elected is where she's gonna rest her laurels then she's gionna have a rough few years.

2) She did not put the "Green new deal" into national conversation.
She didn't come up with the green new deal
the United Nations has already had an initiative "Global Green New Deal" that has been around for a decade. If you want to say she resurrected it after 2 years then that's fine, she wasn't the only person talking about it but whatever. Give the credit to the white latina.

Jill Stein ran on this during the presidential election...


Aug 9, 2014
You still haven't been able to name ONE piece of meaningful, helpful legislation that was written and posted publicly by a candidate before they had even gotten signed it, yet you think that the minimum standard for all representatives is that they have the full detailed actionable plans up before they've even entered office.

1) your ask of him is unreasonable. Of course no one is gonna be able to retort a legistlation written and posted publicly by a candidate before they even had gotten signed yet. This isn't the type of trivia quesiton that people go around tracking. You should drop that ask and move on to sensible debates.

2) AOC is touting a new deal intiative as if she knows what she's talking about and has sold this to voters. She is the one acting as if she knows the way forward and has a plan. She could very easily say, I'm looking at green initiatives and will be building out programmes to support that. Instead she's come out saying she's peddling this new economic package of green initatives (which she has none yet) and saying 100% renewable energy in the next decade. So she's basically stated the result without any sort of infastructure or plan to get there. That's the issue and I don't understand why you're being willfully ignorant about our problem with that.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
So where is Ayanna's detailed plan for the Green New Deal that is any different than what AOC promotes? :dwillhuh:

You're in that zone right now where I legit can't tell if you're trolling or just lacking reading comprehension. I keep asking you direct questions with request for receipts, and you can't answer any of the questions straight, you just keep shifting the goalposts to other answers for questions that literally no one is asking.

Breh, the internet has barely even been around for "decades" yet, there ain't been this "minimum standard" you speak of. :skip:

And it was easy to find other Congressmen who got elected with far less detailed plans than AOC:

Tim Burchett for Congress


AOC's website that you linked referred to 9 different specific bills she is endorsing, described details for numerous other policies she supports, and linked to videos with further details. None of those congressmen were citing specific bills or actionable plans for most of their issues, and I only had to look at 5 websites to get 4 that were less detailed than AOC.

You do realize that the three guys mentioned in your link were setting records that hadn't been hit in 30 years...and their total numbers for successful legislation were 2, 2, and 0.....And the only shyt they managed to get passed was all Homeland Security bullshyt.

There were 52 new representatives in 2016, and in two years the most legislation that any of them were able to get passed was TWO bills, and in both cases it was just some Homeland Security red meat for the base. And that was in a record-setting year with the Senate, House, and presidency all under Republican control.

And you STILL didn't show that any of that shyt passed because they wrote it on their website before they were elected. :francis:

No, because I do care about what's in the legislation, I don't want that shyt to be written by lone candidates who have never even served in Congress and who don't have a congressional staff or collaboration with other members yet. :why:

You still haven't been able to name ONE piece of meaningful, helpful legislation that was written and posted publicly by a candidate before they had even gotten signed in, yet you think that the minimum standard for all representatives is that they have the full detailed actionable plans up before they've even entered office.

Even though you still haven't shown that that has ever worked in real life. :sas1::sas2:

There’s no difference bc aco doesn’t have a plan. You keep harping on this and I keep telling u there’s op difference bc the person your defending doesn’t have anything in place for their to be a difference.

Did you google their websites to see if they had it on their Congress vote for me pages?

I’m not doing all the googling for you. You show me how a freshmen congressmen sponsored a bill without a developed plan and it was passed in under 2 years.

I’ll ask you a question. Do you really believe in aco this much to Stan for her this bad or do you just hate being proven wrong?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
There’s no difference bc aco doesn’t have a plan.
Neither AOC nor Ayanna have a detailed, actionable plan. They have a plan in outline form that they and others agree upon, and they BOTH are promoting the Green New Deal despite the lack of a specific, public actionable plan.

You tried to use Ayanna as a counter but can't admit that on the issue in question (the Green New Deal), she's doing the SAME thing that you were upset at AOC for doing.

You keep harping on this and I keep telling u there’s op difference bc the person your defending doesn’t have anything in place for their to be a difference.
I think you're arguing with yourself at this point.

Did you google their websites to see if they had it on their Congress vote for me pages?

I keep finding the exact receipts you challenge me to find, you haven't found ANY of the receipts I've challenged you to find. I'm not going down an infinite hole of excuses for you - do your own dirty work.

I’m not doing all the googling for you. You show me how a freshmen congressmen sponsored a bill without a developed plan and it was passed in under 2 years.
Yet another receipt you can't find.

You shouldn't have to google because you claimed this happens all the time and was basically a requirement of becoming a congressman, so you should have examples just rolling off the tip of your tongue.


But the answer is, "It's easy when you have a staff, not to mention that a large number of the meaningless bills like the ones those freshmen did are simply renamed/reworked portions of previously failed legislation."

I’ll ask you a question. Do you really believe in aco this much to Stan for her this bad or do you just hate being proven wrong?
Breh, I've corrected fools on George fukking Bush before so long as they were saying dumb shyt that wasn't true. :pachaha: