
Jun 6, 2012
New York
you're not that dumb are you? you think they actually misplaced money? LMFAO

Oh, I was just paraphrasing the media.

@TheNation: “DoD has literally been making up numbers in its reports to Congress— knowing that Congress would rely on those reports when deciding how much to give the following year.”

So The Nation thinks they misplaced money, they are that dumb according to you. Maybe the DoD should sue them for liable? "A lie that goes unchallenged . . ." and all. lol


May 23, 2012
sir, do you even know what a strawman is? Her saying the pentagon lost money is a strawman to why she wants free shyt (healthcare, colleges, internships, etc etc). I mean everything this lady wants is about funding some program that is going to give out money from tax payers. How do you not see this?

A strawman is to "she wants free shyt." AOC doesn't front about the costs. Universal Healthcare isn't "free" but instead of coming out of your paycheck to a private institute, the charge will come out as a tax and even the Mercatus study came out with that being cheaper than staying on the trajectory we're currently at. Her pentagon example also speaks to the fact that we already waste plenty of tax money.

The pentagon quite literally lost money, there is no accountability for where that money went. That's tax payer money that got given away and we have no idea how it was spent. Cutting the military budget shouldn't be out of the question. You don't have to agree with her policy ideas or how she intends to pay for them, but you misrepresent her positions instead. That's constructing a strawman.


Aug 9, 2014
A strawman is to "she wants free shyt." AOC doesn't front about the costs. Universal Healthcare isn't "free" but instead of coming out of your paycheck to a private institute, the charge will come out as a tax and even the Mercatus study came out with that being cheaper than staying on the trajectory we're currently at. Her pentagon example also speaks to the fact that we already waste plenty of tax money.

The pentagon quite literally lost money, there is no accountability for where that money went. That's tax payer money that got given away and we have no idea how it was spent. Cutting the military budget shouldn't be out of the question. You don't have to agree with her policy ideas or how she intends to pay for them, but you misrepresent her positions instead. That's constructing a strawman.

Anything run by the government will create FWA, compared to private institutions. It's an opinion based in actual results.

I never misrepresent her positions , she wants free shyt. She doesn't care how it's paid for, she shoots her guns and see what the bullet hits. She's only complained about money , money for her living wages, money for health care , money for school, money for interns

Where is the strawman it's pretty clear what she's after

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
hey stupid. Interns are paid because they aren't typically qualified (experience or education wise yet) and it's the opportunity to learn a trade (politics) ,which is something you can't get in school. So basically AOC wants the college to be free and the internship to be fully paid for. That's no longer an internship, it's a job. There's a cost to onboarding and trianing these kids, if they are going to cost money people are going to hire more qualified people and then you're going to have no interns being brought in.

My company just had a summer internship and we paid them some small amount. If they cost $20K (a livable wage ) we wouldnt' have gotten them. And who loses out? Us or the kids who is now sitting at home playing video games?
I swear, you buy the worst arguments and make the worst analogies. This is the federal government, not your little private small business, and interns do jobs that are essential to the running of the office. 42 Senators and 28 House members already pay their interns, and AOC will too, so your fearmongering is ridiculous.

Let's not forget that you justified this with:
if you're rich you will have an advantage . That's just how it is
Nah, really, in the federal government that's NOT how it should be, and we should work to address that.

Lastly poor accounting practices doesn't mean you lost money, the money was spent on items and just wasnt tracked with the rigor we would like. Other money might be intentionally hidden for other reasons. but there's no "lost money".
If you don't think that degree of poor accounting doesn't correlate with both intentionally AND unintentionally lost money, then you haven't ever worked with large budgets in large organizations in your life. You don't get $21 trillion in unaccounted for spending in an organization with tens of thousands of employees without numerous employees taking advantage of that poor accounting to make money disappear.


Aug 9, 2014
I swear, you buy the worst arguments and make the worst analogies. This is the federal government, not your little private small business, and interns do jobs that are essential to the running of the office. 42 Senators and 28 House members already pay their interns, and AOC will too, so your fearmongering is ridiculous.

Let's not forget that you justified this with:

Nah, really, in the federal government that's NOT how it should be, and we should work to address that.

If you don't think that degree of poor accounting doesn't correlate with both intentionally AND unintentionally lost money, then you haven't ever worked with large budgets in large organizations in your life. You don't get $21 trillion in unaccounted for spending in an organization with tens of thousands of employees without numerous employees taking advantage of that poor accounting to make money disappear.

Bro, in a place as expensive as DC rich people will have the advantage . Thats called reality. You trying to close that advantage by throwing money to close the wealth gap is beyond idiotic.

Since you struggle with basic economics, reality, and common sense , I can understand why my analogies are hard for you to grasp . There are certain positions that get paid because they are experienced interns and some Congress have the budget for paid interns as well. Others don't or haven't made room to pay interns so they get free ones. If interns can't do it then they should hold out and those Congress members would have to start paying . Its simple economics , if there's an actual issue (which there isn't ). This is AOC scapegoating and crying about money YET AGAIN.

Issues that have never been problematic is all of a sudden top priority and you're in here arguing aboutI interns now. Are you part of her human centipede or do you have your own individual thoughts?

Lastly government entities are audited , there's no lost money period. It's a hoax , it's a sham, it's people like you who don't know accounting talking crap. Every penny is accounted for , while I dont disagree that there is FWA , AOC coinage of it as money that disappeared is playing up to her uneducated simpleton base who want free stuff and will next be seen rioting like French protesters in about 2 years. There's many articles you can Google that explain this in simple math and facts.

Don Homer

Molto Bene
Aug 25, 2013
Bro, in a place as expensive as DC rich people will have the advantage . Thats called reality. You trying to close that advantage by throwing money to close the wealth gap is beyond idiotic.

Since you struggle with basic economics, reality, and common sense , I can understand why my analogies are hard for you to grasp . There are certain positions that get paid because they are experienced interns and some Congress have the budget for paid interns as well. Others don't or haven't made room to pay interns so they get free ones. If interns can't do it then they should hold out and those Congress members would have to start paying . Its simple economics , if there's an actual issue (which there isn't ). This is AOC scapegoating and crying about money YET AGAIN.

Issues that have never been problematic is all of a sudden top priority and you're in here arguing aboutI interns now. Are you part of her human centipede or do you have your own individual thoughts?

Lastly government entities are audited , there's no lost money period. It's a hoax , it's a sham, it's people like you who don't know accounting talking crap. Every penny is accounted for , while I dont disagree that there is FWA , AOC coinage of it as money that disappeared is playing up to her uneducated simpleton base who want free stuff and will next be seen rioting like French protesters in about 2 years. There's many articles you can Google that explain this in simple math and facts.
negged :camby:


Aug 9, 2014
I swear, you buy the worst arguments and make the worst analogies. This is the federal government, not your little private small business, and interns do jobs that are essential to the running of the office. 42 Senators and 28 House members already pay their interns, and AOC will too, so your fearmongering is ridiculous.

Let's not forget that you justified this with:

Nah, really, in the federal government that's NOT how it should be, and we should work to address that.

If you don't think that degree of poor accounting doesn't correlate with both intentionally AND unintentionally lost money, then you haven't ever worked with large budgets in large organizations in your life. You don't get $21 trillion in unaccounted for spending in an organization with tens of thousands of employees without numerous employees taking advantage of that poor accounting to make money disappear.

For anyone else who doesn't want to be fed bullshyt from no nothings like AOC and @Rhakim

I'm posting facts, not trying to get anyone to believe malarkey . I don't post crap from conservative sites either, I operate in reality and common sense.

Here's the freaking comptroller discussing this issue and anyone whose working in government finance or even private finance and have disparate systems knows what he's discussing is facts (though I envision most of you don't have any formal education nor are looking to actually learn here)


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
For anyone else who doesn't want to be fed bullshyt from no nothings like AOC and @Rhakim
I think "no nothing" might be a compliment. :ehh: Thank you! :mjgrin:

I'm posting facts, not trying to get anyone to believe malarkey . I don't post crap from conservative sites either, I operate in reality and common sense.

Here's the freaking comptroller [Trump appointee David Norquist] discussing this issue and anyone whose working in government finance or even private finance and have disparate systems knows what he's discussing is facts
"I don't post crap from conservative sites."

"And here's Trump Appointee David Norquist, brother of legendary conservative activist Grover Norquist, to tell you how it REALLY is."

I can't with this guy. :russ:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Since you struggle with basic economics, reality, and common sense , I can understand why my analogies are hard for you to grasp
One of the main symptoms of the Dunning-Kruger effect is projection, and the incapacity to realize it is projection.

Sufferers will continue to believe they are simply better even in the face of poor grades, poor evaluations, or terrible rep.

Bro, in a place as expensive as DC rich people will have the advantage . Thats called reality. You trying to close that advantage by throwing money to close the wealth gap is beyond idiotic.
So "paying people for their work" is now "throwing money to close the wealth gap."

Well, I guess you're right, can't close the wealth gap if you don't actually pay people. :patrice:

And I'm sure at the same time you claim government staffers shouldn't be paid cause they didn't earn it, you'll prolly claim the bankers earn every penny of the windfalls they get. :mjgrin:

There are certain positions that get paid because they are experienced interns and some Congress have the budget for paid interns as well. Others don't or haven't made room to pay interns so they get free ones. If interns can't do it then they should hold out and those Congress members would have to start paying. Its simple economics , if there's an actual issue (which there isn't ).
Except for the obvious problem that people from wealth could easily cross the lines on any such holdout and therefore further concentrate power in the hands of the wealthy.

But literally any system that concentrates power with the wealthy, you cape for it and say, "That's just the way it is!"

Any system that attempts to spread power democratically, you get all up in arms, "Why are you throwing money at poor people!!!"

This is AOC scapegoating and crying about money YET AGAIN.
You're not using that word correctly.

And money is kind of important in this nation's politics, right? Of course, there's one certain group who constantly tries to deny that....

Issues that have never been problematic is all of a sudden top priority and you're in here arguing aboutI interns now.
Awww....after years of lobbyists and elites :cape: for the wealthy controlling everything on both sides of the aisle, are we ruining your happy Neoconservative/Neoliberal parade?

I'm sure our nation is better off when D.C. private school kids and Ivy League legacy admission trust fund babies are out there snatching up all the entry routes into political power.



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Apr 30, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Ya'll saw the ridiculousness that was being spread around yesterday on social media?

Trying to concoct some fugazi shyt out of her interactions with Bernie at his climate change townhall. All of these sudden AOC fans but she needs to learn some things folks will be sure to turn heel as we approach 2020 Dem primary season.