She literally clarified the point in a follow up tweet the same day and the Post just went with the "that doesn't count" approach on that tidbit; as if character limits might not create some issues with nuance that lead to people needing multiple tweets to make their points frequently
So now she's accusing the Pentagon of making up numbers. She has no proof of what she's saying.
I think her issue is she's over the place. She's made promises that requires money and she doesn't have the slightest idea of how to implement them.
Just recently be said unpaid interns should be paid. Wtf?! Interns are interns because it's part of their curriculum, sometimes they will need to take second jobs and sometimes they will get stipends or other money to help but if you're rich you will have an advantage . That's just how it is, but you don't remedy it by throwing money at them.
Every issue she brings up, she's whining about "we need more money to spend"
Shes dangerously naive but speaks the language of the people who want free stuff