Ya girl out here want all the smoke.
Lemme must get 4 minutes, na na 45 seconds
I'm impressed by how succinctly she is able to rebuke an attack, toss out an L to the attacker, and make her real point on message. And she's done it repeatedly.
She doesn't get bogged down having to be defensive, but she doesn't let the attacks stand either. I don't really manage that at all, at least never that efficiently.
Politicians talk like they were the dominant bullies in school. They talking to a captive audience who they know will laugh at their lines ("Haha, you owned him, burn!") even though their lines suck, solely because they're the alpha male in the clique. That's why so many of them been public speaking their entire lives and still ain't got bars.
Then you have the occasional outliers who still have their brain, probably were nerds or introverts or outsiders in school, and they make the "smart" rebuke to all the usual stupidity. But it's still preaching to the choir, cause anyone smart enough to cosign was already smart enough to see through the original bullshyt. It don't win over anyone. That was Obama's lane.
AOC talk like she out on the streets with both crews lined up and she trying to shut down dat fool AND his whole crew.
Out there taking bodies with their own homies looking at them like