
May 7, 2012
The point of Medicare for all is that taxes go up but you ain't paying premiums, deductibles and you have perhaps a small copayment to see a doctor. That's it.

If Canada can do it, we can do it too. Should have been done 40 years ago.

But more important than that, the real cost of healthcare gouging is the drug prices and the hospitals. You can fix that without a national healthcare plan. But for it to last, Medicare needs to have more power across the board to put costs down.

In Canada you have to wait ungodly amounts of time to even see a doctor.

In Quebec it was ruled a violation of human rights that people couldn't access urgent care in a timely manner.

Idk what your work history is, but working people all know that man or woman with the military spouse and good insurance that goes to the doctor everytime they cough or need a day off. Now multiply that by millions.

The Government has shown you time and time again that there is little oversight on government contracts, so I have no idea why you think they will advocate for fair pricing to responsibly spend taxpayer money. If anything prices will rice. Overworked doctors will also raise prices. Healthcare will be more expensive than ever with a blank check from the government, which will result in higher taxes.

Canada is cool i guess but I could never live somewhere where the government takes half of my check. Which is probably the main reason Canada struggles to retain superstar athletes.


Feb 28, 2018
In Canada you have to wait ungodly amounts of time to even see a doctor.

In Quebec it was ruled a violation of human rights that people couldn't access urgent care in a timely manner.

Idk what your work history is, but working people all know that man or woman with the military spouse and good insurance that goes to the doctor everytime they cough or need a day off. Now multiply that by millions.

The Government has shown you time and time again that there is little oversight on government contracts, so I have no idea why you think they will advocate for fair pricing to responsibly spend taxpayer money. If anything prices will rice. Overworked doctors will also raise prices. Healthcare will be more expensive than ever with a blank check from the government, which will result in higher taxes.

Canada is cool i guess but I could never live somewhere where the government takes half of my check. Which is probably the main reason Canada struggles to retain superstar athletes.
How is this any different in the states currently? lmao.

Also, hospitals charge private insurance orders of magnitude more than they charge gov services like medicare

Hospitals charge employers 240% more than Medicare | BenefitsPRO

there is no argument against universal healthcare that proves our current system is better. just STOP


May 7, 2012
How is this any different in the states currently? lmao.

Also, hospitals charge private insurance orders of magnitude more than they charge gov services like medicare

Hospitals charge employers 240% more than Medicare | BenefitsPRO

there is no argument against universal healthcare that proves our current system is better. just STOP

You're talking about cost.

I'm talking about actually seeing a doctor when u need to.

Even life saving surgeries have to be scheduled months in advance in Canada.

The problem of over expensive healthcare isn't solved by universal healthcare. In fact its usually made worse.

And it's not even "free" its taxpayer money.

And take it from someone who deals with Medicare and Medicaid, the price gouging, the over charging, the charging for services not even provided, fraud, and waste are off the charts. The compliance people are overworked and underpaid.

But no one cares to look into it because its "free"


Feb 28, 2018
You're talking about cost.

I'm talking about actually seeing a doctor when u need to.

Even life saving surgeries have to be scheduled months in advance in Canada.

The problem of over expensive healthcare isn't solved by universal healthcare. In fact its usually made worse.

And it's not even "free" its taxpayer money.

And take it from someone who deals with Medicare and Medicaid, the price gouging, the over charging, the charging for services not even provided, fraud, and waste are off the charts. The compliance people are overworked and underpaid.

But no one cares to look into it because its "free"
You realize what they're doing to medicare they're doing up to 240 times that to private insurance companies right? I'm not just talking about cost, there are insane wait times at US hospitals and emergency rooms across the country that are just as bad as places with universal healthcare. Life saving procedures do not require you to schedule them months in advance in canada. stop it. canada rations elective medical procedures not life saving ones. No one wants FREE healthcare, we want affordable healthcare. People don't care to look into it just because it's "free" or because the gov provides it. It's because insurance companies and big pharma got together to write our laws that allows them to do the things they do.


May 7, 2012
You realize what they're doing to medicare they're doing up to 240 times that to private insurance companies right? I'm not just talking about cost, there are insane wait times at US hospitals and emergency rooms across the country that are just as bad as places with universal healthcare. Life saving procedures do not require you to schedule them months in advance in canada. stop it. canada rations elective medical procedures not life saving ones. No one wants FREE healthcare, we want affordable healthcare. People don't care to look into it just because it's "free" or because the gov provides it. It's because insurance companies and big pharma got together to write our laws that allows them to do the things they do.

For one, yes the scale is different, but you're also advocating for Medicare for all. Substantially increasing Medicare and thus increasing the fraud.

2. How does the government paying for healthcare incentivize healthcare providers to lower prices? You do realize that once government steps in to guarantee access to something the price goes up. Look no further than college tuition. And as the price rose, the actual value of the services tumbled

3. People do support it because they think it's free. Why else would politicians keep saying it. You're seriously overestimating the average American.

Here's a clip from the Simpsons when it was still a scathing critique of American society:


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
In Canada you have to wait ungodly amounts of time to even see a doctor.

In Quebec it was ruled a violation of human rights that people couldn't access urgent care in a timely manner.

Idk what your work history is, but working people all know that man or woman with the military spouse and good insurance that goes to the doctor everytime they cough or need a day off. Now multiply that by millions.

The Government has shown you time and time again that there is little oversight on government contracts, so I have no idea why you think they will advocate for fair pricing to responsibly spend taxpayer money. If anything prices will rice. Overworked doctors will also raise prices. Healthcare will be more expensive than ever with a blank check from the government, which will result in higher taxes.

Canada is cool i guess but I could never live somewhere where the government takes half of my check. Which is probably the main reason Canada struggles to retain superstar athletes.
