this is the hill you trying to die for. alex jones.
there is nothing stopping alex jones or you from creating your own platform/website, so that "chill speech" is null and void.
social media companies have always been "banning/suspending" accounts for forever, but I doubt you cared until its alex jones
Of course social media and websites have banned/censored/de-platformed but no one has been banned simultaneously by 30 companies in 2 month period. Never happened.....the question should be why?? Because of speech?....did he murder somebody? have people died because of what he has said? did he give people dangerous products? is he promoting uncouth ideas to children? The Sandy Hook court case is not over, if he is proven innocent of all charges then what, are these websites going to apologize and put him back on the websites?
I just recently posted about Boyce Watkins being banned for talking about illegal immigrants,
Dr. Boyce Watkins Banned From Facebook Messenger for Hate Speech Regarding Illegal Immigration, but I also done so in the past.
I've talked Jimmy Dore being censored in multiple threads.
4:10 - 15:10 shows you how government, specifically a few Congressfolks, are behind a lot of this new censorship we are seeing. This whole It's a private company is much more twisted than it appears.
I have talked about Boyce Watkins, Jimmy Dore, on Tulsi Gabbard, Cynthia McKinney....other liberal leaning people (Boyce not really liberal per se) can't box me in some political/ideological island.
I like Truth or at the minimum questioning of Official Establishment Corporate Sponsored Narratives.
My point has always been that people who question or assess those narratives will be or are going to be banned. These happen to be voices that you want to be out there questioning and making you think, so you aren't inundated with one side of a story.
That's where we are heading, one narrative society that can't be questioned, wwithout repercussions, especially when you get down to the commerce/banking element.
Boyce Watkins could easily have his PayPal taking away, if he continues to talk about illegal immigration in the future......I mean the precedent is being set right now.
This is
not about Alex Jones, this is about speech that is being called "dangerous" and creating an atmosphere where people won't express how they feel, because fear of loosng access to biggest websites or even worse loosing ability to conduct commerce.
The Chinese Social Credit Score system is the embodiment of that. The type of system is being prepped for the U.S. As I've posted several times, this is the real outcome for this thread......yet not one naysayer has refuted me on that point. Tiptoed around it like a ballerina .... I wonder why