Alabama Senate ELECTION: Jones wins!!! Daps + Reps to all


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
They're religious...they put their faith in people no matter what reality says. No matter what the facts say.

It is amazing though how they can see the good and have faith in the worst people yet so quick to write off black people in an instant.

These people are sick.
It’s like the dynamics of the Civil War are still playing out. White Southerners resent Northern(West Coast) people looking down on them and telling them what to do so instead of doing better they just try and drag everyone else down ( wanting more slave states even though that way of life was dying out from tech advances) and make sure to kick blacks down for just existing.


May 6, 2012
It’s like the dynamics of the Civil War are still playing out. White Southerners resent Northern(West Coast) people looking down on them and telling them what to do so instead of doing better they just try and drag everyone else down ( wanting more slave states even though that way of life was dying out from tech advances) and make sure to kick blacks down for just existing.

It's so ingrained, yet they will dismiss the impact of racism. If these people were enslaved, they'd be out trying to destroy everything and everyone. Maybe that's what black folk should have done.

These people are parasites.

I mean, they go on and say Moore and Trump's accusers are all liars....but then say Clinton's were all truthful. Like, just as an individual with a functioning brain...Moore and Trump have over 20 accusers combined. They're all wrong? Clinton's are all right? The thinking is so hypocritical and retarded you have to consider them braindead.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
It's so ingrained, yet they will dismiss the impact of racism. If these people were enslaved, they'd be out trying to destroy everything and everyone. Maybe that's what black folk should have done.

These people are parasites.

I mean, they go on and say Moore and Trump's accusers are all liars....but then say Clinton's were all truthful. Like, just as an individual with a functioning brain...Moore and Trump have over 20 accusers combined. They're all wrong? Clinton's are all right? The thinking is so hypocritical and retarded you have to consider them braindead.
Can’t trust’em. The GOP turned its back on GHWB for the tax change(even if that was the right thing) and white Southerners voted for an ole Southern boy Clinton but as soon as the GOP turned on that switch they reverted to form even before the Lewinsky scandal.

That how we got Denny “boy tickler” Hastert and his moral majority.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
“If we don’t stand for conservative policies we lose anyways.”

And that is all that is. Which is why playing morality games with these people is useless. They are not even playing the game.

Liberals better smarten up. These people aren’t going to be shamed. They are stupid enough to think babies are being aborted at 9 months (you mean giving birth :mjlol:)

I was having a conversation with a white liberal friend on this and I kept trying to tell him that its a cultural war and Dems need to see it that way and pull a Sherman on these dumb fukks and burn their concept of self down, because they would prefer a despot like Trump than the chance of another liberal president but he was all "wishy washy" on it and said they wouldn't stand for it.......

Dems need to realize that they got to go civil war on these fukkers but do it through legal means. Cause they keep cheating to stay ahead and then want to say they won fair. Like Net Neutrality. Just declare the internet a state owned utility in your state and take control of it. They want to stop sending taxes to certain states (that provide the most tax money)....... figure out ways to slow the tax money reaching them.

fukk em. They been crying state rights for years and most their states are broke.
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Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
It's so ingrained, yet they will dismiss the impact of racism. If these people were enslaved, they'd be out trying to destroy everything and everyone. Maybe that's what black folk should have done.

These people are parasites.

I mean, they go on and say Moore and Trump's accusers are all liars....but then say Clinton's were all truthful. Like, just as an individual with a functioning brain...Moore and Trump have over 20 accusers combined. They're all wrong? Clinton's are all right? The thinking is so hypocritical and retarded you have to consider them braindead.
They’re not brain dead — they can recite the Bible. They’re brainwashed. We are creating a contingency plan to educate all of North Korean when the time comes. Do we have a plan for the god-guzzlers?


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I was having a conversation with a white liberal friend on this and I kept trying to tell him that its a cultural war and Dems need to see it that way and pull a Sherman on these dumb fukks and burn their concept of self down, because they would prefer a despot like Trump than the chance of another liberal president but he was all "wishy washy" on it and said they wouldn't stand for it.......

Dems need to realize that they got to go civil war on these fukkers but do it through legal means. Cause they keep cheating to stay ahead and then want to say they won fair. Like Net Neutrality. Just declare the internet a state owned utility in your state and take control of it. They want to stop sending taxes to certain states (that provide the most tax money)....... figure out ways to slow the tax money reaching them.

fukk em. They been crying state rights for years and most their states are broke.
I used to look down on the North for turning a blind eye to Jim Crow but I’m starting to feel like just letting them have their abortion bans and no contraception Bible Belt and call it a day.

These people are exhausting

Signed ex-Mississippian aka GET OUT


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
I could never see myself voting for Moore. As a lib he's done too much fukery even before the pedo claims for me to even consider it.

But apparently there's a whole buncha people that will.....

Via John Nolte @NolteNC on Twitter


Like most of us, Roy Moore is a flawed man. There are things about him I admire (his unapologetic faith, his service in Vietnam). There are things about him that trouble me (the way he talks about gays and Muslims). Nevertheless, if I lived in Alabama, I would still vote for him with a perfectly clear conscience.

A lot of people who despise Christians are questioning the Christianity of those supporting Roy Moore. This is a cynical attempt at emotional blackmail, but let me go ahead and explain the obvious anyway…

The choice between flawed men like Donald Trump and Roy Moore and 99 percent of Democrats is a shockingly easy one for any Christian, because it is the choice between pragmatism and slavery.

Look at the left and our media today, look at just how far these fascists are willing to go to enslave us by means of the state and social pressure…

1) Although they told us gay marriage would have no effect on our lives, the left are now using the powers of the state to force Christian bakers and florists to choose between staying in business or participating in the sacramentalization of a sin that is a same-sex wedding. The state forcing you to do work you do not want to do is the textbook definition of slavery.

2) Through the power of the state, the left is demanding all of us, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, violate our conscience through the providing of birth control and abortion pills.

3) The media is pressuring everyone to REVEAL YOUR POLITICS.

4) Social Justice Warriors on social media bullied a troubled porn star into suicide for expressing a healthy caution about performing with men who have had sex with other men. So much for “My body, my choice.”

5) Your twelve-year-old daughter will look at the mentally ill man’s penis.

This is the left now, folks…

You will bake the cake, you will pay for abortions, you will have sex with gay men, you will tell us how you voted, and your child will look at the penis…

These people are monsters, and putting a flawed man in power over a monster is a ridiculously easy choice for any Christian, or any person of conscience.


Dating Teenagers

While I personally am uncomfortable with a 32-year-old man dating 16 and 17-year-olds, it is not only not illegal (the age of consent was and is 16 in Alabama), it was not at all uncommon in the South 40 years ago. Moore did not break the law. He did not violate social mores. These allegations are not allegations, they are a way for a corrupt media to fraudulently pad the number of Moore’s accusers to a shocking number.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
I was having a conversation with a white liberal friend on this and I kept trying to tell him that its a cultural war and Dems need to see it that way and pull a Sherman on these dumb fukks and burn their concept of self down, because they would prefer a despot like Trump than the chance of another liberal president but he was all "wishy washy" on it and said they wouldn't stand for it.......

Dems need to realize that they got to go civil war on these fukkers but do it through legal means. Cause they keep cheating to stay ahead and then want to say they won fair. Like Net Neutrality. Just declare the internet a state owned utility in your state and take control of it. They want to stop sending taxes to certain states (that provide the most tax money)....... figure out ways to slow the tax money reaching them.

fukk em. They been crying state rights for years and most their states are broke.
True . I saw some white posters on another site arguing about the best way to reach these voters. This one guy kept saying the Democrats should point out how Moore was removed from the bench twice and the other kept telling him the voters will still find a way to dismiss that information or call it fake news. Some liberals really don't want to confront what a headline in the Wapo said "what if the Mueller thing doesn't matter at all" meaning you could bring evidence of collusion but it will ultimately not make a difference if people can retroactively justify their decisions. The article I posted on poverty in the black belt even had a little quip there from the journalist saying why did the UN official decide "to poke his nose in Alabama affairs". I also had some Facebook friend with a husband from the South talking about how we should be careful of regional bigotry in discussing Moore. Even the self identified liberals in the place want to carve out their little place where they don't get associated with the conservative side of their state. It is pure denial in action. If a guy like Moore with the dismissal from the bench managed to get through the primary isn't that telling about what the voters think already? That information is not pertinent at all.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
the kool-aid will be drank.
hopefully in the long arch of history it will pan out the way it should.

some people want to live under christian law.
if it comes to that, they will find themselves in the cross-hairs soon enough.
the same way that sjw's keep picking themselves off.

if everyone is fighting some "holier than thou" war, we just put ourselves in moral prisons.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
i wish franken had held off on his speech until this election, he shoulda played hardball

that fukkin scumbag conyers needs to leave, but while franken was wrong, his offense wasnt egregious. certainly not with who's in office. he shoulda said you know what, im not leaving if the republicans elect this scumbag. fukk the high ground :camby: