As far as Karenga goes, he and his organization was used as pawn in the annihilation of the black panther party. If my memory serves me correct Hakim Jamal, Malcolm Xs cousin who led organizations with Karenga also distanced himself from him for the reason he felt he was working for the "otherside". Dr. John Henrik Clarke even called out Karenga, shyts been known
cool, ok.
In regards to Farrakhan, the man who publicly admits to playing a hand in Malcolm Xs assassination isn't a destructive force to the black community?
Malcolm X's Daughter Exposes Farrakhan (The Extended Clip) - YouTube
Need I say more?
NOI is used to dumb people down,
I don't see no black muslims talking about the Arab slave trade which was the direct result of the Muslim Crusades on Africa
Farrakhan was paid 2.3 million dollars to sell NOI on Scientology, Look up "Dianetics NOI". Striaght up bullshyt
We're given these false idols while our real leaders are killed off.
We gonna argue that Alex Jones isn't in "their" pocket next?
X's daughter tried killing Farrakhan in 95.. the same year that millions of black men got together for the million man march aka showed the unity that we really haven't shown since. Even she understands that while Farrakhan might have created the fuk Malcolm climate in the noi ranks, the noi had no intention of killing X. She was pissed at him for that, but not too ignorant to ignore the fact that X's killer's lawyers obtained the FBI files stating that the Audubon Ballroom had fake noi member who were actually FBI informants. Even X himself stated that the cops and FBI were both trying to cause a division in the NOI long before he slit with them. I guess internet revolutionaries like you might turn around and say the CIA n FBI, weren't involved in the drug trade now and the Black Panthers just decided to split up one day.
It's crazy when people talk- without having a full understanding of things. You can believe that the noi has done nothing for the black community, but you first would have to ignore the fact that they've done more for black men in more modern times than any other group. The funniest thing I hear from black people is the Malcolm X thing - that let's me know right there that that person isn't interested in really helping things out and that they believe everything they read.
First of all, Malcolm X's immediate family aren't anti-farrakhan any longer because they know the truth of the matter. If you believe it was only a hand full of blacks that had hands in X's death then you're foolish. X and the NOI were upset with each other. Malcolm made some comments that he was told not to make because he gave no fukks. i respect that. However, He already knew about all the Elijah controversies when he was a member and said nothing. He said nothing until he was suspended and got pissed. He would have never been suspended he would have never said any of that and then The FBI and others would have had to infiltrate another group to cover up a plot to kill him.
Also, I guess you believe the Malcolm was the only black men the NOI has ever changed from being a destructive force in the community to being a positive man.
From 1930-2013 the NOI does that shyt in Mass and if others did the same we would all be better off. X hated being black, loved white women, hated his kinky hair, sold drugs, used drugs, robbed people, and overall was horrible until the NOI found him.. yet narrow-minded BLACK people want to
ignore all that and say random fallacious false BS and then hit you with "Need I say more?" lol.
It's gross how divided we love to be. We actually love division and we campaign for that before we actually get off our laptops and computers and actually do something for the community. And black muslims do speak about arab slavery. Some of the first black Americans to mention the shyt were Islamic. It's not something that black Muslims promote and make a staple of their message because there are so many
current issues with the black community that the focus should be getting solutions for. NTM the Translantic slavery and mental brain washing from that is the reason for some of the things that we are now facing in our inner cities - so much of the focus, is on changing more black men to positive and productive people - the way the Noi did Malcolm Little.