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The Gunner
Nov 26, 2012
Jelenia Góra, Poland



Early 2010's OG
Aug 23, 2012
SD spiler
A video aired of AJ's "state of mind" coming tonight.
Sandow was still looking and ran into Mark Henry and Booker T. They acted like Cody was a thief. Sandow said Booker used to be GM and Booker did his "You did not just say that," phrase. AJ out next with Big E Langston and called out Dolph Ziggler. She said she is the champ and is doing fine. She then showed Ziggler's house key and they had a good exchange where AJ threw out Ziggler's belongings in ring. It ended with Kaitlyn hitting the spear on AJ and Dolph hitting Fameasser on Langston for the close of the segment.

Dark Match Main Event.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Big E Langston (w/AJ Lee). This was probably better than the advertised Del Rio vs. Ziggler street fight. This is fresher to the crowd and is probably a warm up for their SummerSlam match. If so, it will be awesome. AJ played the crowd well as Ziggler won by hitting his finisher to a great pop to end the night.

While I'm not exactly a big fan on how the results went down

(Seriously? Why is Dolph the one being booked the babyface in this scenario when HE'S being the douche of an ex-boyfriend? :rudy:

And can AJ not get speared like every fukking time, please? :stopitslime:)

I'm less confused about how things are now set up, and how we may very well get Dolph/Kaitlyn vs AJ/Big E at SummerSlam. :manny:


The Gunner
Nov 26, 2012
Jelenia Góra, Poland
While I'm not exactly a big fan on how the results went down

(Seriously? Why is Dolph the one being booked the babyface in this scenario when HE'S being the douche of an ex-boyfriend? :rudy:

And can AJ not get speared like every fukking time, please? :stopitslime:)

I'm less confused about how things are now set up, and how we may very well get Dolph/Kaitlyn vs AJ/Big E at SummerSlam. :manny:

Dolph/Kaitlyn vs AJ/Big E at SummerSlam can will be a good match :ehh:

i don't understand what kaitlyn doing in AJ/Ziggler segment :wtf: and why every time " Katie Kaboom "get speared AJ and why AJ can't punch Kaitlyn her divas title? How difficult it is to write the script for the segment, that was not so prescient. IMO now every segment with AJ/Langston and Kaitlyn/Ziggler to SS will look like that "AJ/Langston will come after match Kaitlyn/Ziggler, Ziggler says something with sexual references to AJ, Big E will attacked Ziggler but he missed, Kaitlyn speared AJ" good work CT:clap:


Jun 3, 2012
While I'm not exactly a big fan on how the results went down

(Seriously? Why is Dolph the one being booked the babyface in this scenario when HE'S being the douche of an ex-boyfriend? :rudy:

And can AJ not get speared like every fukking time, please? :stopitslime:)

I'm less confused about how things are now set up, and how we may very well get Dolph/Kaitlyn vs AJ/Big E at SummerSlam. :manny:

He broke up with her true enough, but he wasn't a total jerk about it, he was straight up with her.(Given that Dolph gimmick is even thought he's a face now he's still jerk it was lowkey nice) AJ initiated the feud when she had Big E. attack dolph and cost him the Raw match with Del Rio. Dolph didn't do anything douchey until he did the phony/troll apology on Smackdown and by that point there was no going back the battle lines had been drawn. And that's his personality arrogant showoff. I get some of you will always see her the good guy no matter what, but she is the heel in this story.

Practically putting a hit out on your ex because they don't want you anymore isn't exactly a babyface move breh.
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Early 2010's OG
Aug 23, 2012
He broke up with her true enough, but he wasn't a total jerk about it, he was straight up with her.(Given that Dolph gimmick is even thought he's a face now he's still jerk it was lowkey nice) AJ initiated the feud when she had Big E. attack dolph and cost him the Raw match with Del Rio. Dolph didn't do anything douchey until he did the phony/troll apology on Smackdown and by that point there was no going back the battle lines had been drawn. And that's his personality arrogant showoff. I get some of you will always see her the good guy no matter what, but she is the heel in this story.

Practically putting a hit out on your ex because they don't want you anymore isn't exactly a babyface move breh.

No doubt, you make solid points there, and I won't argue it. My feeling though, is that when Dolph got back from his concussion, he was being very wishy-washy, flip-flopping, and a bit hypocritical.

When he was wondering and asking why AJ wasn't at his side, or something like that, it was because she was busy fending off her former best friend who wanted to beat her ass down and take the Divas Championship, getting broken in half by spear after spear every week, while you sat at home and made 30 second promos with your selfie camera. And when she finally DOES come down to ringside, to help YOUR ASS out, you shoo her away? :what:

And then when you tell AJ to stop playing these mind games with Kaitlyn, he goes right around and does THE EXACT THING HE WAS CHIDING AJ FOR DOING. Like cutting promos trying to rip on ADR's intro WHILE DEL RIO WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH. And let's not also forget the whole "Sin Ziggler" fiasco a couple of weeks back.

All I'm saying is, as much as I'm liking this face turn for Dolph, I fear he may end up resorting into the usual cache for WWE's babyfaces of today: to be the biggest fukking hypocrite imaginable.

I'll admit, that's more of me being an AJ mark than being a casual mark, but when I see reasonable points that can be made for AJ's reasoning, I'll defend her till the cows come home. :yeshrug:


Jun 3, 2012
No doubt, you make solid points there, and I won't argue it. My feeling though, is that when Dolph got back from his concussion, he was being very wishy-washy, flip-flopping, and a bit hypocritical.

When he was wondering and asking why AJ wasn't at his side, or something like that, it was because she was busy fending off her former best friend who wanted to beat her ass down and take the Divas Championship, getting broken in half by spear after spear every week, while you sat at home and made 30 second promos with your selfie camera. And when she finally DOES come down to ringside, to help YOUR ASS out, you shoo her away? :what:

And then when you tell AJ to stop playing these mind games with Kaitlyn, he goes right around and does THE EXACT THING HE WAS CHIDING AJ FOR DOING. Like cutting promos trying to rip on ADR's intro WHILE DEL RIO WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH. And let's not also forget the whole "Sin Ziggler" fiasco a couple of weeks back.

All I'm saying is, as much as I'm liking this face turn for Dolph, I fear he may end up resorting into the usual cache for WWE's babyfaces of today: to be the biggest fukking hypocrite imaginable.

I'll admit, that's more of me being an AJ mark than being a casual mark, but when I see reasonable points that can be made for AJ's reasoning, I'll defend her till the cows come home. :yeshrug:
I give you credit for your points on him being hypocritical. with his dealings with ADR, telling her to layoff on Kaitlyn. that was true.thats just how they book faces its not gonna change sadly.

yeah Kaitlyn wants to kick her ass, things like that tend to happen when you fukk someone over for entire year, then blame them for your problems. I'm sorry she's there's no way I'm crying for AJ in her feud against Kaitlyn she the heel through and through there's no debate about it. Her flipping the end of their friendship entirely on Kaitlyn was a classic heel move.

As far him being at home that wasn't his fault he suffered a REAL Concussion. He had no choice but to be at home for five weeks. He wasn't medically cleared or even capable of boarding an airplane to make it to the shows. It wasn't like he took scheduled time off like Punk, or was just selling a storyline concussion like HHH.

AJ and E pretty much where no where to be found after Dolph lost at Payback. There was never a concrete explanation why they all of a sudden weren't around. So why is Dolph in the wrong for asking that why aren't they around anymore? there was never a segment where he told them to stop accompanying him. They just stopped, and didnt tell him.

As for her finally "helping" him at MITB...:comeon: really? You really call coming down to the ring ..IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH.. TO YOUR ENTRANCE MUSIC and SKIPPING AROUND THE ENTIRE RING Helping? Really? :what: seems more like being a distraction and trying to steal the spotlight to me. If she was genuine about helping, why not come out with Dolph at ummm i don't know the START OF THE Match. Like we've done for the last six months. Or how about bringing that large African American gentleman that, you know follows you EVERYWHERE with you so he could also "Help", you know? like we've done for all the other Dolph Ziggler matches since mid December:laff: . And i suppose Dolph is ungrateful since he wasn't appreciative of her attacking Del Rio with the belt when he had the situation under control and didnt ask her to interfere. To each his own man, I'm looking forward to where they'll end up at Summerslam its looking a Mixed Tag match.
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Jun 21, 2013
While I'm not exactly a big fan on how the results went down

(Seriously? Why is Dolph the one being booked the babyface in this scenario when HE'S being the douche of an ex-boyfriend? :rudy:

And can AJ not get speared like every fukking time, please? :stopitslime:)

I'm less confused about how things are now set up, and how we may very well get Dolph/Kaitlyn vs AJ/Big E at SummerSlam. :manny:

Hopefully they're not thinking of putting the title back onto Kaitlyn. I mean she just came off of a long, dull title reign as is. And I don't think things will be any different this time around. Right now, the problem with Kaitlyn getting the title is what will she do afterwards. Last time they just gave her the title but didn't plan ahead. As a result, she had a horrible title reign, that only picked up when she was going to drop the title. AJ, I can see her continuing to feud with Ziggler. Also since WWE Mgt. are high on Big E, but want to push him slowly, they'll have AJ manage Big E Langston afterwards full-time to help get him more comfortable on the mic and to help develop his persona and build him up. Aksana & A.Fox are basically jobbers, they dropped Layla's affiliation with Kaitlyn, so a Heel turn is out of the picture, Tamina is filming a movie, and the Bellas; well they are either going to take Kaitlyn's title soon afterwards as a reward for Total Divas(like Eve last year) or are going to continue feuding with their Total Divas castmates. If it's the latter, it leaves Kaitlyn in the same position for her 2nd title reign as she was for her 1st. Maybe worst, since this time around the other Divas are actually going to be doing something while she does nothing.

And let's not forget the whole Kaitlyn being constantly in the title picture for the last year or so, which kinda makes the title picture: stale and boring.
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