Told you this guyis fukked up.
She was not wearing panties!?
Looks like a pink thong to me
I've waited for that moment
WORST: The Hunter’s Wife Becomes The Hunter
AJ Lee and Kaitlyn had a match at Payback based on like three years of personal backstory between the two. It was a good match with a (relatively) clean finish. It had nothing to do with Stephanie McMahon.
But LO, here arrives Big Steph to tell AJ Lee that she’s doing a number on feminism and ruining the Divas division, or something. The division where the title belt is a sparkly pink butterfly. The lady telling AJ that she’s doing anti-feminist things is the same one who got pies thrown in her face by the Planet Of The Apes apes. The one who let John Cena slap her on the ass. The one who made out with Eric Bischoff while he was dressed like her father. The one who faked a drugging, kidnapping and rape to make her dad mad. The one who rolled around in hay and shyt with Trish Stratus. The one.
THEN, as if showing up to lord herself over AJ wasn’t enough, she interrupted Kaitlyn trying to challenge AJ to a rematch by telling Kaitlyn to never interrupt her again. And also that none of the other Divas should mess with her. A woman who has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORYLINE showed up to run down the champion, run down her challenger and run down any other possible challengers FOR NO REASON.
The worst part of THAT is that WRESTLING IS NOT REAL. If Stephanie was a real person reacting to real situations, sure, she can be justified in doing whatever she wants. But guess what? Kaitlyn didn’t really interrupt Stephanie. She was WRITTEN to interrupt Stephanie. When AJ replies to Stephanie by saying she married a superstar, and Stephanie responds with a comment about how that wasn’t original? YOU GUYS WROTE AJ TO SAY THAT. YOU ARE PURPOSEFULLY NEUTERING THE HEEL AND FACE CHARACTERS ON YOUR SHOW. The woman who is in charge of what happens on the show can’t pretend like she’s getting mad at people for letting things happen on the show. It doesn’t work like that. It’s why Triple H shouldn’t be able to be a C.O.O. in real life AND in character AND a wrestler, because he gets to make all the decisions, faces no consequence and can take credit for everything. Stephanie has now officially ceased to be Triple H’s wife, and is now just Triple H in a wig. God, imagine how much better we’d all be if he’d just kept dating Chyna.
Congratulations on being cheered over everybody else, Stephanie. You don’t have to wrestle next week, or try to sell t-shirts, or keep crowds interested in you to keep your job.
Despite last night's Raw being widely hailed as one of the best in quite some time, the McMahon's, Vince and Stephanie, reportedly still had some beef with the creative team. Specifically, they weren't happy with the handling of AJ Lee's character and have now intervened to bring her back towards where they would like her to be.
Despite last night's Raw being widely hailed as one of the best in quite some time, the McMahon's, Vince and Stephanie, reportedly still had some beef with the creative team. Specifically, they weren't happy with the handling of AJ Lee's character and have now intervened to bring her back towards where they would like her to be.
Despite last night's Raw being widely hailed as one of the best in quite some time, the McMahon's, Vince and Stephanie, reportedly still had some beef with the creative team. Specifically, they weren't happy with the handling of AJ Lee's character and have now intervened to bring her back towards where they would like her to be.
If you have heard of any interesting rumors that you'd like to add, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Please remember, these are merely rumors. Try not to take them too seriously, just have fun with them.
they want back to crazy slut?
if yes.... I will not be surprised if she leave Ziggs ( Ziggler Face, AJ Heel this not make sense ) with Big E and after few weeks AJ kisses him
Langston want WHC tittle shot, maybe this is only joke, but...
they want back to crazy slut?
if yes.... I will not be surprised if she leave Ziggs ( Ziggler Face, AJ Heel this not make sense ) with Big E and after few weeks AJ kisses him
Langston want WHC tittle shot, maybe this is only joke, but...
Dude, you can't just tease us like this. Now I have to go see her twitter as well because I'm so freaking curious for no apparent reason!Off topic: Turek, read Shirlz's twitter and look what happened to her...It's terrible.
Off topic: Turek, read Shirlz's twitter and look what happened to her...It's terrible.
One of my most dedicated & sweetest fans, Shirleigh, has suffered a great loss this week. Keeping you and the Kaur family in my thoughts
One of my most dedicated & sweetest fans, Shirleigh, has suffered a great loss this week. Keeping you and the Kaur family in my thoughts