#RollTide #TSC #RiseUp #BullsNation #RIPKobe
What the fetish question or the Kaitlyn like question?
Fetish like
What the fetish question or the Kaitlyn like question?
I mean how were they being creepy? I wan not intending on being creepy. Just asking for pics and keep it at that. Was not gonna talk or respond about pics. Just asking and leaving it at that.
I'm not being creepy at all. Also don't accuse me of something like that when all I asked was for pics. I kept it simple and i did not get into detail or anything like that.
Well that's not right to do. Whatever I asked what I wanted to ask. If someone responds. Great.
What are the tureks? And don't call me boy. You can just talk to me in a normal way. No need to talk like that.
I'm older than you so that means your the boy.
But whatever you get off by trolling. Hope that's a good substitute for actual sex.