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Feb 2, 2013
Naples, Italy
She's clearly gonna play some role in the finish of the tag title match. Either that or she'll be involved in Ziggler's cash-in if they chose to have him cash-in Sunday.

WWE will always find something for AJ to do as long it isn't Wrestling...sadly :snoop:

I think you're pessimist. If AJ doesn't wrestle against Kaitlyn for the title at WM, it's only postponed the inevitable. For example RAW the day next the PPV is at NJ too. Who knows...

So cute when sing :noah:


The Gunner
Nov 26, 2012
Jelenia Góra, Poland
Queen FCW



Jul 7, 2012

UP AND AT ’EM, 9:02 a.m.

Shaking off the last remnants of sleep as Washington does the same, AJ Lee hurriedly navigates her bustling hotel lobby, pausing only briefly to snap a photo with a Dolph Ziggler fan donning the teal-and-yellow tee of her favorite Showoff. She tosses her bags into the cavernous trunk of a rented Ford Edge, all-too-aware that her four-hour New Jersey odyssey was missing an essential ingredient.

“Never trust anyone who doesn’t drink coffee,” AJ quips en route to one of D.C.’s all-too-numerous Starbucks locations, dispensaries of what AJ fondly calls her “comfort blanket” while she’s traveling. This java journey gives the WrestleMania-ready Diva a rare opportunity to explore the District of Columbia, which she still fondly remembers for playing host to one of her first-ever WWE television appearances on the Sept. 9 edition of “WWE Superstars” in 2010.

Caffeinated, AJ then locks in some familiar GPS coordinates, peering through dark-rimmed glasses at the road ahead.

ROAD WARRIOR AJ, 12:49 p.m.

“Sorry in advance, guys,” are never reassuring words, especially coming from a driver. But amid talk of her aspirations to one day write a book and what it was really like to try on her Raw 1,000 wedding dress (it gave her “goosebumps”), AJ offers fair warning to the crew as her GPS drones that her old Union City stomping grounds were drawing near — streets she never had the privilege to drive upon even as a teenager.

“I started driving two years ago, technically,” explains AJ, whose family could not afford to get her a car when she reached the legal driving age of 16. “I don’t know how to drive in my hometown, since I either walked everywhere or took public transportation.” Pulled over at a rest area, AJ opts to relinquish the steering wheel for this final portion of the ride, content with re-entering her past, at least for now, from the passenger’s seat.


Jul 7, 2012


CITY LIMITS, 1:14 p.m.

Bounding between states of silent awe and giddy restlessness, AJ Lee is awash in emotions of all kinds as she reunites with Union City, a place the enigmatic Diva still calls home despite the muddled meaning of the word during much of her hardscrabble childhood.

In a span of less than 10 minutes, AJ points out no less than four of her family’s former residences nearby, which included a grand total of than 30 different apartments. Eviction was a fact of life when money wasn’t.

Despite the memories that bubble up to the surface as AJ glides past the boarded-up buildings and vacant lots that pockmark the landscape of her youth, she harbors no resentment for the city — and in turn, the state — that birthed her desire to follow a dream.

“Every bad thing [growing up] I ever went through was in Jersey, but every awesome lesson I learned was in Jersey,” AJ said, a black hooded sweatshirt pulled tightly over her head to brace against the biting wind. “For me, Jersey represents going through what you can go through and still surviving. That’s the cool thing about people from the Tri-State area. We’re fighters. We’re survivors, and we’re edgier than anyone else on Earth. I could be anywhere in the country and people will ask, ‘Are you from Jersey? ’ I’m proud of that. We’re a weird breed.”

WALKING IT OUT, 1:34 p.m.

AJ Lee isn’t a fan of walking … in fact, one might say she has an intense hatred of the act that dates back more than a decade. Without a family car and with bus fare even being unattainable on certain days, a young AJ Lee would find herself trekking miles to school or work.

“I’ve tallied a lot of miles in these Converses,” AJ says with laugh, drawing attention to her signature canvas footwear that’s more associated with anarchic skipping than arduous schlepping these days.

AJ’s distaste for walking didn’t stop her from taking a WrestleMania Week saunter across a Summit Avenue overpass — the very same overpass that AJ traversed to attend her very first wrestling school mere blocks away.


BACK TO SCHOOL, 2:30 p.m.

While actual living accommodations weren’t always “home” for her, AJ Lee once found solace in the ring at a now-defunct wrestling school that was at one point called Ace Pro Wrestling, which provided the Jersey native with essential stability and, perhaps more importantly, a path when she needed it most.

Approaching the building for the first time in more than two years, AJ is instantly taken aback by its state of disrepair.

“It’s sad,” AJ says, wistfully peering up at the building where she learned the key in-ring fundamentals that would one day bring her to WWE. “This is where I was reborn in a way, so seeing [the school] like this is kind of like closing a chapter for me. But that’s OK, because I feel like I’m starting a new chapter this week.”
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