It's going to be Gavin. He's going to be the face of the party, and he needs to be focused on material conditions. He needs to talk about building america's infrastructure, cutting taxes on everyone except the 1%, starting up trade deals that will give americans access to cheaper food and technolgy.
Appealing to Latinos doesn't work.
Appealing to conservative white people doesn't work.
Appealing to white women doesn't work.
Appealing to people's material conditions works.
Trump asked a simple question: Are you better off now than you were when I was president? and the dumbass voting public allowed vibes to dictate their vote and said "as a matter of fact, I'm not! everything costs more now!" and they ignored literally everything he's said and done otherwise and voted for him.
They'll need to win elections at the municipal and state level, and run their state economies well. A financial crisis is coming and if you're a governor who put plans in motion to protect your state, you'll win re-election. If you were extremely good at protecting your state, you'll catch the eye of the party leadership and make national news.
The governor most poised to do that is Gavin Newsom. If he's able to maintain the 5th largest economy in the world, and able to improve affordability for califironians, that signals to the national democratic establishment that his policies and style of government works. He's heterosexual, quick with his words, young, married and has kids. If elections are still possible in 2028, that's their guy.