Culture is not an illusion. It is important. Was just watching a youtube clip of Sammy Davis Jr. tap dancing and wondering how we preserve the arts and culture of black America. I am of mixed cultural heritage i.e. mother Haitian, father American. Obviously I am largely American by culture but ask a Nigerian person if it is just language differences with regards to marrying someone from Liberia. Black Americans get real defensive when you tell them they have no culture yet you make a statement that the only impasse between AA and Brazillians is language. I don't think so.
I use to think it was that complicated like yourself. We eat, we sleep, we sex, we socialize, we build communities, we learn, we entertain. Take away language and its all different gradients of the same thing.
Don't get me wrong, what I appreciate and respect about culture are those fine details. Plus, like you are saying preserving those fine details in the Aa community, I agree.
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