This is all I am saying. Yes you can find a great girl in the US, just harder to find one with the same combination. Where do you live? I live in DC, a lot of beautiful women here, a lot of different cultures but a lot of the women here are just of a different mindset. Maybe in your city the woman are diff, especially if you are down south.
I'd go on a limb and say that the women there are a lil less money hungry than the women here, at least in my experience. But most of the women I meet there have their own money (either from their career or their parents are middle class), I guess if you have a Dad Bod and u go down there flashing money around you will attract those type of women, just like you would if you do the same thing here. However I think you would be more likely to find a guy from there with a mediocre job with a nice looking women.
Good thing Brazil has tons of black people to the point that this isn't an issue unless you u pawging, but if you doin that then u get the same sympathy from me as the bedwenches.
Reminds me of my first time in Salvador, this guy I met from the States who was also visiting told me that the women up there don't like black men. Then I saw all the women he was talking to were white