As others have mentioned(not that I personally agree per se) is that the women over there who have that natural beauty(7's, 8's, 9's on the Black Beauty scale) are more down to earth, and less stuck up and approachable, than your typical 5's in America, who act as if they look like Beyonce.
I hear you about personality but like somebody said personality is subjective. Also no offense to you or anybody else but I don't think you, me, anybody else are that different where we can't find a chick with them looks and a personality we like here.
The part about the simping honestly that's not my concern if she's that gassed up we probably wont vibe but that's not every girl contrary to what some believe. Its also a reflection of you IMO if that's all you can find. That would be like a chick saying she can only find bums. I'd question what she into that has here mainly/only finding that.
Edit: I responded to the person I quoted with that question because his post is focused on looks since he don't know them chicks if you didn't know. I was just wondering where he lived if he don't see girls with them looks.
This is all I am saying. Yes you can find a great girl in the US, just harder to find one with the same combination. Where do you live? I live in DC, a lot of beautiful women here, a lot of different cultures but a lot of the women here are just of a different mindset. Maybe in your city the woman are diff, especially if you are down south.
But you do know that those women are in the market to make money right? They're not just nice to be nice. They're in some " you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". So you're being put into the mind state that she's just being submissive but let you not have dough. Bet that attitude changes quick. And as far as the 8s, 9s, 10s thing they're still black. Most black people are attractive. And if you say that they aren't then look around the world.
I'd go on a limb and say that the women there are a lil less money hungry than the women here, at least in my experience. But most of the women I meet there have their own money (either from their career or their parents are middle class), I guess if you have a Dad Bod and u go down there flashing money around you will attract those type of women, just like you would if you do the same thing here. However I think you would be more likely to find a guy from there with a mediocre job with a nice looking women.
I had friend who had this Brazilian gf. She looked like a Peurto Rican and she was here illegally with her son. She told him that she wasnt supposed to date or marry blacks.
In Brazil they have a saying along the lines of have sex with blacks but dont date or marry them. Lot of Brazilians in central FL are the Blonde blue eyed or lite and brite type. Most are monied and FEW are black or Mulatto. I dont think youll be seeing many of them dating brothers.
Good thing Brazil has tons of black people to the point that this isn't an issue unless you u pawging, but if you doin that then u get the same sympathy from me as the bedwenches.
Reminds me of my first time in Salvador, this guy I met from the States who was also visiting told me that the women up there don't like black men. Then I saw all the women he was talking to were white