These idiots know nothing. It's like trying to teach children. You can fit all of india in north africa. India has light indians and dark indians, over 30 different ethnicities, some a bit mixed and look a little asian, some look a little persian, but none the less they are ALL indian.Frankly i never told you that, i was a little bit indifferent towards the Maoris actually due to unfortunate experiences whereas my sister was pretty much loved by everyone for some weird reasons, and i will just say that. I told you he was Sudani like myself. You remembered the issue i post about dowry? I guess you are having reading problems or selected comprehension issues? I don't believe pacific islanders follow Sudanese custom. Now, i have dated in the past but never married, big difference, love.
Here is the conversation we had and i will provide the link of the thread, again learn to remember what you read.
and you said poiter
link above, love
The continent which is in fact it is has different races. For example there is a world difference between countries such as Algeria, vs Gabon v Madagascar. Everyone in the world can actually see the differences between the three groups of people. The same you have in Asia, there a obvious difference between China, and let say India, both countries share the same continent, but they are obviously different races.
Now look at the population of the North African region according to wikipedia and most likely local population figure.
North Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The population is probably more than that. In comparison to the southern african population
That is a major block of people i believe poiter. There are probably more than that given the size of families especially in places such as Egypt in the rural parts. It is probably over 200 million, and egypt is the third largest population besides Nigeria and Ethiopia.
and this is from a SINGLE COUNTRY. Not an entire continent like Africa.
These 2 have the audacity to state we are 'jocking whites' when its THEM who are going by cac propaganda. They state that the north indians come from the caucus and invaded indian pushing the dark indians south, and thats why they had ancient civilisation. when we find out dark and light indians are the same people but just one lives closer to the equator. You also find out that the darkest indians are considered the most high and ancient priests. If you ever meet an indian, they never say "the light indians are actually from Iran" that would be down right stupid, but they say the same about north africa, the only people that say this are cacs and the black people from the diaspora that have no ties to the continent, never met a berber, and have no idea about where they come from. It's sad really, they continue to spew the same shyt I have read from white supremacists. "berbers are highly mixed" of course any of people that are close to borders are, but there's over 100 million berbers, that is a very VERY small fraction, just like ultra light indians that could pass as chinese (the ones on the border) or white (bordering persia) make up a small population in India. These so called mixed berbers are an extremely small amount and most white people that came to take their dna looked specifically and left the majority of the population, when you read other publication you realise more than 95% of berbers are native to the land and not mixed with anything.