Africans and Inherited Behaviors

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I'm not sure why you keep showing me pictures. I know what they look like.

Don't call anyone idiots when you have never been on the continent in your life. They are the way they are because of environmental location. You think someone who lived on the Mediterranean shoreline would be darkskin with coarse hair? You fool.

Too bad the ancestors of day Berbers descend from Northeast Africa. Second I already know YOU know what they look like which isn't my point. Now show me East Africans that resemble these.

I'll wait. And your map doesn't prove anything because the map isn't based on modern populations. We already know that studies on old physical remains of Northwest Africans have them looking more similar to other Africans. I'll get to that point later.

And as for the bolded first off all moron who even said they had kinky hair? But it should be noted that the Romans themselves referred to those on the coastal North African coast as "Ethiopian" with wooly hair. Anyways I hope you know that before the bronze age much of the population in the Mediterranean including even Europe had more darker skin similar to Africans. This is known and recent. Anyways like I said I'm going to get to the point I made about ancient Northwest Africans vs modern day Africans.

Now explain to us ALL why Neolithic Algeria and prehistoric Mediterraneans(and closer to Africans like Niger-Congo speakers) are distant to their modern counterparts if they always looked the same and were not dark skinned. :rolleyes::wink:

But anyways that is NOT the point as Berber signature genetic marker E-M81 came from Northeast Africa and NOT the coastal part of North Africa.

Anyways I firmly believe the ancient Berbers/Northwest Africans would have resembled Tuaregs, horners or Sudanese like the Beja. Especially the Tuaregs who are considered the founding population of the Berbers.

I also mentioned their are some tribes with A LOT of mixture with europeans, they are hillside people, but they are NOT the majority in north africa. So you then go and show me the hilly people, for what exactly? to prove what? my point? :wtf:

How about you read what people post. I was using the Kayble Berbers as an example about HOW the Algerian population changed! The Kabyle Berbers since they obviously show European cultural influence. Let me reiterate and state that I am NOT saying the Berber group itself are not indigenous to Africa but the white/Arab looking ones/Northwest Africans(mainly Algerians and Tunisians) are not for the most part. I already posted you a source that Algeria was a hot spot for slaves from Europe and a good number of Algerians descend from Europe. The reason why I posted those pictures were to show you WHICH Berbers/Northwest Africans are indigenous and which are not.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I tagged you because certain people don't want to believe that the West exploits Africa. lol.

The whole world exploits Africa. African elites exploit Africans and their resources. I dream that one day a liberation force can topple these crocodilian despots and lead Africa to greater glory.


May 17, 2013
You're totally dominated by white supremacy and that's an undisputed fact. The whole northern part of the continent is dominated by sand cacs who don't know how to do shyt but culturally regress, and dominate black folks.

The sheer thought of a fukking "ARAB" running egypt is :mjlol:
Yall have basically conceded nort

You realise berbers are native to africa right? Berbers are not arabs.

Too bad the ancestors of day Berbers descend from Northeast Africa. Let me reiterate and state that I am NOT saying the Berber group itself are not indigenous to Africa but the white/Arab looking ones/Northwest Africans(mainly Algerians and Tunisians) are not for the most part. I already posted you a source that Algeria was a hot spot for slaves from Europe and a good number of Algerians descend from Europe. The reason why I posted those pictures were to show you WHICH Berbers/Northwest Africans are indigenous and which are not.
Don't call anyone idiots when you have never been on the continent in your life. They are the way they are because of environmental location. You think someone who lived on the Mediterranean shoreline would be darkskin with coarse hair? You fool.

I also mentioned their are some tribes with A LOT of mixture with europeans, they are hillside people, but they are NOT the majority in north africa. So you then go and show me the hilly people, for what exactly? to prove what? my point? :wtf:

I don't even need to type anymore, I can just effortlessly quote at this point.


Jul 2, 2014
Neither of you provided the information I was looking for. One person posted an article on foreign aid to Burundi (pimps don't pay their hoes, it's the other way around), and another has nothing to do with the country I asked for. If Croatia is being pimped, it has nothing to do with Sweden. You generalised the whole region, I asked for an example on a specific country, because for every one that is being used by the West I can simply show you another that isn't. In that case it would show that you can not generalise and you don't know the magnitude of african politics.

As for Berbers, I can tell neither of you have actually met a berber :laff: "They're different and not african" sounds like an arab or cac would say such a thing. Attend an african berber drum show speaking this nonsense and you'll get knocked out. I bet one of you stupids will then show me an article in Libya of some berbers fighting 'dark' africans and think that means we are different people. AMERICAN LOLz. :laff:
They only know how to talk about Africans from 1000 years ago loool


May 17, 2013
As for why ethiopians are not light skinned. check the map again. before we start, notice it says 'indigenous people', so lets get that clear.

map is estimated to start from around 5,000 BC (everyone is out of africa by this point and mutated to what they are today). notice where Algeria is. notice the skin tone. :russell:
notice the skin tone of the horners. :russell:

look where the sans are. :russell:

hillside people are not the majority, and native berbers don't have skin tones too far off italians, in fact, they have the exact same skin tone. berbers have had that skin tone since before mixing. :russell:
few notches south....are the people you claim are the 'true' berbers, but no, they share the region (forehead of africa), they are native to their area which isn't too far away, they're a little darker because they are a little closer south, toward the equator. :russell:
notice the majority of north africa is 2 shades, but there's a tiny bit that is almost equal to south europeans...why? because they are almost in the same environment. close to the sea and away from the desert, everyone on this map, are still indigenous, even the dark portions of europe like portugal. :russell:
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Jul 2, 2014
I think from this point onwards, to save time, everyone should clearly state their origin in these threads? And be honest.
Seeing as we are discussing African issues, it makes more sense for the ones who have been born and raised in certain cultures, to lead and inform the others.

So its only right that Misreeya, of Sudanese descent, should repeatedly educate us about her history. Even though so much is written about Sudan/Egypt, she brings a fresh, but informative perspective.

What I am sick of is the same loud and ignorant posters trying to have all the attention on them and their worthless and excessively narrow research.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I'm sure the West subsidizes half of Rwanda's budget out the godness of their hearts...surely it isnt to destroy the local economy, destabilize the region, and further their geopolitical ambitions yes thats why Kagame can kill disidents without the criticism someone like Mugabe would garner :troll:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
As for why ethiopians are not light skinned. check the map again. before we start, notice it says 'indigenous people', so lets get that clear.

map is estimated to start from around 5,000 BC (everyone is out of africa by this point and mutated to what they are today). notice where Algeria is. notice the skin tone. :russell:
notice the skin tone of the horners. :russell:

look where the sans are. :russell:

hillside people are not the majority, and native berbers don't have skin tones too far off italians, in fact, they have the exact same skin tone. berbers have had that skin tone since before mixing. :russell:
few notches south....are the people you claim are the 'true' berbers, but no, they share the region (forehead of africa), they are native to their area which isn't too far away, they're a little darker because they are a little closer south, toward the equator. :russell:
notice the majority of north africa is 2 shades, but there's a tiny bit that is almost equal to south europeans...why? because they are almost in the same environment. close to the sea and away from the desert, everyone on this map, are still indigenous, even the dark portions of europe like portugal. :russell:

I just like how you continue to IGNORE what people post while forcing others to accept what you post. Like I said that map doesn't prove anything, matter fact its DATED as I already said Europeans and those of the Mediterranean(including even the Levant were all dark skinned for the bronze age and this study was recent. The map doesn't take into account of that.

I also love how you ignored this:

If North Africans/Berbers ALWAYS have their type of skin tone then explain to us all why North Africans like Algerians during the neolithic are distant from their modern counterparts. You also ignore that the bulk of the indigenous Northwest African population traces their origins back to Northeast Africa.

Ancient local evolution of African mtDNA haplogroups in Tunisian Berber populations.
Our objective is to highlight the age of sub-Saharan gene flows in North Africa and particularly in Tunisia. Therefore we analyzed in a broad phylogeographic context sub-Saharan mtDNA haplogroups of Tunisian Berber populations considered representative of ancient settlement. More than 2,000 sequences were collected from the literature, and networks were constructed. The results show that the most ancient haplogroup is L3*, which would have been introduced to North Africa from eastern sub-Saharan populations around 20,000 years ago. Our results also point to a less ancient western sub-Saharan gene flow to Tunisia, including haplogroups L2a and L3b. This conclusion points to an ancient African gene flow to Tunisia before 20,000 BP. These findings parallel the more recent findings of both archaeology and linguistics on the prehistory of Africa. The present work suggests that sub-Saharan contributions to North Africa have experienced several complex population processes after the occupation of the region by anatomically modern humans. Our results reveal that Berber speakers have a foundational biogeographic root in Africa and that deep African lineages have continued to evolve in supra-Saharan Africa.
Ancient local evolution of African mtDNA haplogroups in Tunisian Berber populations. - PubMed - NCBI

Once again the bulk of the Northwest population ancestry traces back to Northeast Africa. Clearly you are not well versed in this subject and why everything I say goes over your head by evident of you not even addressing most of my points.

Edit: Also according to your OWN map the southern tip of south Africa has the exact same skin color distribution as the one we're seeing in Spain. The rest of SA has the same as Northwest Africa. And mind you humans in Africa lived in South Africa far longer than North Africa and yet they don't have pale skin seen in Southern Europe. And mind you SA too has a Mediterranean climate.

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The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I just like how you continue to IGNORE what people post while forcing others to accept what you post. Like I said that map doesn't prove anything, matter fact its DATED as I already said Europeans and those of the Mediterranean(including even the Levant were all dark skinned for the bronze age and this study was recent. The map doesn't take into account of that.

I also love how you ignored this:

If North Africans/Berbers ALWAYS have their type of skin tone then explain to us all why North Africans like Algerians during the neolithic are distant from their modern counterparts. You also ignore that the bulk of the indigenous Northwest African population traces their origins back to Northeast Africa.

Ancient local evolution of African mtDNA haplogroups in Tunisian Berber populations.

Ancient local evolution of African mtDNA haplogroups in Tunisian Berber populations. - PubMed - NCBI

Once again the bulk of the Northwest population ancestry traces back to Northeast Africa. Clearly you are not well versed in this subject and why everything I say goes over your head by evident of you not even addressing most of my points.

That study confirms that 'Afro-Asiatics' came from the Horn of Africa, spread to the Nile Valley (where they interacted with Nilo-Saharans?) and settled in North Africa eventually.