I'm not sure why you keep showing me pictures. I know what they look like.
Don't call anyone idiots when you have never been on the continent in your life. They are the way they are because of environmental location. You think someone who lived on the Mediterranean shoreline would be darkskin with coarse hair? You fool.
Too bad the ancestors of day Berbers descend from Northeast Africa. Second I already know YOU know what they look like which isn't my point. Now show me East Africans that resemble these.

I'll wait. And your map doesn't prove anything because the map isn't based on modern populations. We already know that studies on old physical remains of Northwest Africans have them looking more similar to other Africans. I'll get to that point later.
And as for the bolded first off all moron who even said they had kinky hair? But it should be noted that the Romans themselves referred to those on the coastal North African coast as "Ethiopian" with wooly hair. Anyways I hope you know that before the bronze age much of the population in the Mediterranean including even Europe had more darker skin similar to Africans. This is known and recent. Anyways like I said I'm going to get to the point I made about ancient Northwest Africans vs modern day Africans.

Now explain to us ALL why Neolithic Algeria and prehistoric Mediterraneans(and closer to Africans like Niger-Congo speakers) are distant to their modern counterparts if they always looked the same and were not dark skinned.

But anyways that is NOT the point as Berber signature genetic marker E-M81 came from Northeast Africa and NOT the coastal part of North Africa.

Anyways I firmly believe the ancient Berbers/Northwest Africans would have resembled Tuaregs, horners or Sudanese like the Beja. Especially the Tuaregs who are considered the founding population of the Berbers.
I also mentioned their are some tribes with A LOT of mixture with europeans, they are hillside people, but they are NOT the majority in north africa. So you then go and show me the hilly people, for what exactly? to prove what? my point?![]()
How about you read what people post. I was using the Kayble Berbers as an example about HOW the Algerian population changed! The Kabyle Berbers since they obviously show European cultural influence. Let me reiterate and state that I am NOT saying the Berber group itself are not indigenous to Africa but the white/Arab looking ones/Northwest Africans(mainly Algerians and Tunisians) are not for the most part. I already posted you a source that Algeria was a hot spot for slaves from Europe and a good number of Algerians descend from Europe. The reason why I posted those pictures were to show you WHICH Berbers/Northwest Africans are indigenous and which are not.