I dont know why people run from or off the topic of Africans trying to look down on New World Blacks especially African-Americans. This is a subject that everyone seems afraid talk about, but instead try to stick their heads in the sand.
I don't see anything
@Poitier or anyone else said wrong. The fact is Africans, especially first gen immigrants have a very eurocentric viewpoint of AA's. They are naive and ignorant about AA's. They don't know what its like to live under a dominate culture and see AA's addressing white supremacy as us being "whiners" or "lazy".
People may bash Hispanics specifically Mexicans(I'll admit I have too), but at least Mexicans aren't naive about white racism and have MUTUAL understanding with AA's when it comes to racism in America. Africans on the other hand think its a myth and AA's are crybabies and they even side with whites.
Some of the discussions I've seen with Africans talking about the Trayvon, Michael Brown and police brutality situations are all testament to that. I've also seen some Africans get very hateful with AA's who have a big interest in their African heritage, those Africans telling those AA's that they are NOT African but American and for them to stick to American culture. This is why I've always been

And yeah I don't give a damn if I offend anyone. This NEEDS to be addressed instead of us stuffing it in the closet...