That's how assimilation works, it's makes no sense to think you can migrate to a place that already has an established culture and turn it into a carbon copy of your homeland, but just about every race or ethnic group with a large enough population here till pays homage to theit original culture which is why there is a Chinatown in just about every major city in America and so on. For more evidence of this just look at the East African immigrant population in our nation's capital. They established a community there called Little Ethiopia with a majority of East African residents who control all the stores where they still sell the traditional foods and other items of their homeland. The only reason Africans of the diaspora don't have anything like that is because we have little to no knowledge of our history before the diaspora, not because we have a desire to distance ourselves from our history before it. After 400+ plus years of a literal dark age where we werent allowed to read or write we are just being awakened to the fact that we even had history and accomplishments before we had slave masters
I do feel what is being said about African Americans now being our own isolated tribe, but that's why I wish Africans in the Americas and on the continent would do more to bridge that gap of disconnection, because it's all the same bloodline, the only difference is the language given to us by our oppressors