depends on the region. I know that as a result of the "Great Oromo Migration/Invasion" into habesha/ Abyssinian lands such as Amhara 400 years ago, many Oromo who live in northern Ethiopia now look a bit like habesha people. But the more south you go, the less "diluted" the oromo people become. Also this is the reason why now many Amhara people are brown skin when compared to their lighter skin nieghbour the Tigrays who essentially share the same origins. Contact with Oromo people have changed the look of the Amhara ethnic group. Even Haile Selassie and Menelik have oromo blood, and these individuals commited quite alot of crimes against the Oromo people, despite the fact they all have partial oromo heritage.Afar and oromos are prob the closes things to somalis
What about the somalis living in ethiopia like ogaden..jig jiga dir dabaydepends on the region. I know that as a result of the "Great Oromo Migration/Invasion" into habesha lands such as Amhara 400 years ago, many Oromo who live in northern Ethiopia look a bit like habesha people. But the more south you go, the less "diluted" the oromo people become. Also this is the reason why now many Amhara people are brown skin when compared to their lighter skin nieghbour the Tigrays who essentially share the same origins. Contact with Oromo people have changed the Amhara ethnic group. Even Haile Selassie and Menelik have oromo blood, and these individuals commited quite alot of crimes against the Oromo people, despite the fact they all have oromo heritage.
I dont really know much about them. But i think they expanded into what is now Hararge during the reign of the Adul Sultunate, which was challenging the habeshas up north and nearly defeated the Abyssinians(the amharas and tigrays) at one point, ransacking and burning strategic amhara cities to the ground. Read about the adal sultunate.What about the somalis living in ethiopia like ogaden..jig jiga dir dabay
So what are you tigray or oromo? What group has the most muslims?I dont really know much about them. But i think they expanded into what is Hararge during the reign of the Adul Sultunate, which was challenging the habeshas up north and nearly defeated the Abyssinians(the amharas and tigrays) at one point, ransacking and buring many important amhara cities to the ground. Read about the adal sultunate.
im half harari Adere and half Tigray-Amhara. Tigray a christian region. The Oromo region is half muslim, half christian orthodox and Pentecostal/protestant etc. I think other than the hararis, Afar and Somalis, theres no other groups who have Islam as their offical religionSo what are you tigray or oromo? What group has the most muslims?
Whats the biggest and most dominant group?im half harari Adere and half Tigray-Amhara. Tigray a christian region. The Oromo region is half muslim, half christian orthodox and Pentecostal/protestant etc. I think other than the hararis, Afar and Somalis, theres not many groups who have Islam as their offical religion
Population wise: Oromo then AmharaWhats the biggest and most dominant group?
Arent tigrays the majority of eritrea? Why did the ethiopeans start war with tigrays of eritrea if the tigrays hold most position of power?Population wise: Oromo then Amhara
In politics and economic power: Tigray
The TPLF(Tigray liberation font) won the war against the Communist Derge regime with the aid of the US and Ethiopia became a one party rule state with the Tigray people holding most positions of power, backed by the US. I couldnt care less though. Throughout history power has always been shifting from the Tigray region to the Amhara region. Theres always been a rivalry between these two habesha groups .This is just the latest iteration.
I think you should be asking the other eritrean and Ethiopian fonts. The history and reasons for secession is shady and confusing even for me. Anything id say would probably be coming from a place of ignoranceArent tigrays the majority of eritrea? Why did the ethiopeans start war with tigrays of eritrea if the tigrays hold most position of power?
Afarbreh, Afro brazy. Like,
I'm jelly af. Why there's never any west African tribes with Afros
? Who are these people by the way. About to symbolically claim them