Its just ironic Nigeria/Benin was known as the Slave coast and Nigerians tend to be the most on that

But people also gotta realize most Nigerians you see in America came on education visas compered to other Africans who come on say refugee status. Refugees are way more humble compared to immigrants on education or some type of work visa.
8 times out of 10 when someone is talking about a bad experience with a West African they are talking about their experience with a Nigerian. Nigerians already speak english and missionaries going there already conditioned them to thinl a certain way. Folks forget that Missionaries pretty much created that same southern church c00n mentality in africa that you see in America. Literally christian Africans are on that Ben Carson steeze which make it easy for them to come to america and think of AAs a certain way because they were conditioned to think its the AAs fault for theor problems the same way an AA c00n does with the whole respectability politics.
Its pretty sad when AAs and Africans say we aint the same and try to beef when i literally share common ancestors with black people in America and the Carribean. Like literally my great great great grand mothers sister could have been kidnapped brought to america and raped yet my ancestral cousin looks at me or i look at him like he is my enemy, its sick and sad.
I have seen slave logs where i found slaves with my name yet Im not suppose to see an AA as my brother? My mother went to elementary school that was literally next to a slave castle on the coast but she is not suppose to see an Afro Cuban as her sister?
At the end of the day you and your brother can have two different homes with different problems inside that house it still doesnt defeat the fact that is your brother and the least you owe him is to let him know you got his back.
This is why all this divisive mess on this site kills me because its coming from people who dont even have anything or want to contribute to the bigger goal. I just take note on these types because they arent even people id want to associate with and they have nothing to bring to the table when it comes to building.