African Americans Need To Boycott The Democratic Party

Jan 14, 2013
Sorry friend but those are racial stereotypes that I will not accept in a serious discussion. Furthermore, not only are those things that I bolded not true, if they were "reversed" they would not lead to economic prosperity. There are various schools of economic thought both on the left and right which acknowledge that it is POLICY not CULTURE which drives economic development both internationally and on the local level. It is only this strange far right culture based quasi-religious which seems to permeate among many black posters. A holier than though attitude indeed, without any tangible evidence to support not only the reality but the conclusions.

What you bolded was untrue?

So you believe that you can grow a strong community with no strong men or men split between several households??

So you believe that our race has a history of boldly defending the necessity of marriage and monogamy?

You also believe that black people do not lack any of the below in large enough numbers to make it problematic?

So, many black people do not lack both parents in the home with an attentive mother?
With the increasing number of premarital births and a continuing high divorce rate, the proportion of children living with just one parent rose rom 9 percent in 1960 to 28 percent in 1996. Currently[1994], 57.7 percent of all black children, 31.8 percent of all Hispanic children, and 20.9 percent of all white children are living in single-parent homes.

We don't lack human capital?
Asian and white students still have the most success in high school—8 in 10 Asians and 78 percent of white students graduated in 2008. Black and Hispanic students both have graduation rates of about 57 percent. More females (75 percent) graduated than males (68 percent) across all ethnicities. -USNEWS

We don't lack any of these: Family Business, family hobbies, education goals, marriage standards, family motto and crest, family traditions and rituals, family properties, family investments, family constitution, fighting addictions and troublesome behavior, etc?

We don't lack strong sense of values that will encourage us to do better. We don't lack a willingness to sacrifice for tomorrow?

We don't lack a strong beneficial culture and traditions besides, Kwanzaa, MLK Day, Black History Month, Hip Hop?

Because if we don't have any of these problems, then we are doing perfectly fine as a race and NEED TO CHANGE NOTHING.

Btw, the premise of the book wasn't that these things would lead to economic prosperity, it was that without these things your money won't likely last past 1 or 2 generations. I should say that taxes is the number 1 wealth destroyer. Taxes inhibits you from passing your hard earned money to your offspring.


Apr 30, 2012
OBAMA has never helped any BLACK American! Who is he SERVING? - YouTube

Finally a sensible discussion between two people. Yeah I agree Obama definitely needs to get on something. He made his "Organizing For America" Campaign be active throughout the next years of his presidency as stated by Michelle Obama in that announcement weeks ago. So he should take advantage even more of that good idea.

I know he is focused on gun control and comprehensive immigration reform now, but as the fact that the volunteer organization "OFA" is out there still, he can multi task and make sure to address the poverty and unemployment issue for blacks.

The guy in the video made a great point that I never even thought about before when he said Obama mentions the terms "economy" but not "poverty" as much like the half a sentence in his inauguration speech.

I really hope he gets on this and makes it part of his next legislative agenda. Climate Change can be done through executive orders, and bills like "Respect For Marriage Act" and "Paycheck Fairness Act" are what I call lightweight issues especially since both most likely will end up being passed by 2016 anyway.

He should worry about the little things later.

He needs to at this point in my opinion make his own "New Deal" or "Great Society" that is not just going to continue to give occasional peices of food(besides health care obviously because that was a huge deal for 2014). I am hoping for something expansive on that level of "New Deal" or "Great Society" and like I said this should/would be comprehensive that includes multiple things like "Student Loan Forgiveness Act" , and @theworldismine13 good idea about bank accounts

@theworldismine13 by the way, don't know if you ever knew this but in the presidential campaign back in 2007/2008 Hillary was in the news for having some proposal called "American Retirement Accounts Plan"; We can have something like this and tweak it and try to address the huge issue of blacks next to hispanics being most likely the ones to deal with savings problems and running into debt and not managing properly.

Possibly try addressing to them the fact that we need to get out of this mindset that just cash only is okay, and educate them on the benefits of having an account. So we don't continue to have folks think they can buy houses with just cash and be okay in the long run. Pretty much educate them to not be like the rapper I stan for lol. Rack up on penalties for banks across the nation who deny loans to African Americans, even when they are wealthier than a white counterpart.

So......anyone have any catchy names to go with "New Deal" and "Great Society" if Obama surprises everyone and their mama if he comes out with something big?


That Fair Minimum Wage Act to increase the national minimum wage in the country would definitely at least help to solve the problem of poverty especially in improving the disparity in income. It needs to be passed already.

Focus primarily on young black men and preaching to them the various employment opportunities besides Law school and medical school and let them know the engineering field has a real shortage of them.

I think the more and more, we promote various options/opportunities of diverse positions besides the mainstream ones, the more and more you will see people realizing there is still hope and they do not only have 2 options in life with a certain job/major and don't have to choose to work at a store because those 2(law school/medical school) did not work out.

The bolded is bad advice though. There aren't many black doctors and lawyers at all. It's even worse at elite institutions. The amount of people of color applying to law school has been going down for YEARS. That's nowhere near an issue. As far as medical school, there are not very many black doctors and if someone is able to complete med-school then they were able to be a stem major. So that's not like mutually exclusive. We should be talking about raising standards. The average MCAT score for Howard Med School is lower than the national average on the exam :scusthov:, or was a couple years ago. That is a horrible look.

I like your proposals though. Enough people aren't talking about the ramifications of a D.C. Court overturning those recess appointments and how that will affect labor.


Apr 30, 2012
DAMN!!! I can't think of any catchy names


Well if you want a corny Obama-esque name, call it the "Package of Hope." :obamaword:

And @Serious did you just say "Brother Twism", I saw you fiendin' for those white women :ufdup:
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Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city
1. Completely disagree (at least about the part where women need to stay at home). We need more kids with both parents...but with both parents working. This isn't 1950, women work and you really need two incomes (in most cases) to have a decent standard of living. So it's best if both parents are bringing in money (and more likely they can afford to live in a decent area and save for college).

2. Vague

3. Meh. I think people are individuals, there's no need for all black people to have the same beliefs. If anything there's TOO much groupthink in the black community.

4. Well, if you mean less materialism, I completely agree. Way too many black people obsessed with clothes and cars.

5. Vague.

The biggest problem black people have (IMO) is an anti-intellectual culture. Too many black kids want to be athletes or entertainers, not enough want to be engineers. Nyggas coming out of college getting less respect that nyggas coming out of jail. Until we get to a point where having an education and career is seen as "normal" for a black person, we'll have problems. This isn't something a political party can fix though.

All that family values stuff is kind of secondary and not really the main issue.
why is that? what black engineer/s you heard that became wealthy in the last ten years? it is normal for a black person to have an education and a career, so stop believing the media. the problem is black folks in these careers "underachieve" and thinking only "school education" can put them to the top. school education is only ONE PART of the equation.
the black community has a anti-business like culture for some reason i can't understand. black folks get a little change and think they made it. we got a lot of small businesses and none of them want to grow into fortune 500 companies. please don't blame that on white people! white people don't have power over us.



Aug 12, 2012
Well if you want a corny Obama-esque name, call it the "Package of Hope." :obamaword:

Sounds like a cheesy name Obama would come up with


:ehh: I like it, You mind if I email your idea to the White House?


Aug 12, 2012
The bolded is bad advice though. There aren't many black doctors and lawyers at all. It's even worse at elite institutions. The amount of people of color applying to law school has been going down for YEARS. That's nowhere near an issue. As far as medical school, there are not very many black doctors and if someone is able to complete med-school then they were able to be a stem major. So that's not like mutually exclusive. We should be talking about raising standards. The average MCAT score for Howard Med School is lower than the national average on the exam :scusthov:, or was a couple years ago. That is a horrible look.

I like your proposals though. Enough people aren't talking about the ramifications of a D.C. Court overturning those recess appointments and how that will affect labor.

Maybe I was incorrect about black men, but come on I know we have both noticed how so many black girls are majoring in the nursing field(check a random anatomy and physiology class in any college).

I guess I may have been wrong about black males but I definitely stick to my statement about i guess black girls. I think black males probably have higher stats in the law field than medical definitely. Correct me someone if i am wrong.

Education is the key to a great society. We need to change certain things to improve these flaws in the black community.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Well if you want a corny Obama-esque name, call it the "Package of Hope." :obamaword:

And @Serious did you just say "Brother Twism", I saw you fiendin' for those white women :ufdup:

:mjpls: "fiend" is a strong insinuation, but all great black leaders mess around white women, when they're young, from Malcolm X to @Broke Wave

Plus, I'm an equal opportunity employer, quality is quality. :yeshrug:
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Apr 30, 2012
Maybe I was incorrect about black men, but come on I know we have both noticed how so many black girls are majoring in the nursing field(check a random anatomy and physiology class in any college).

I guess I may have been wrong about black males but I definitely stick to my statement about i guess black girls. I think black males probably have higher stats in the law field than medical definitely. Correct me someone if i am wrong.

Education is the key to a great society. We need to change certain things to improve these flaws in the black community.

No, there aren't man black doctors PERIOD. When you say medical school, I'm thinking DOCTOR. Maybe, I misread somewhere, but there's a difference between nursing school and being a doctor. Further, most of those black women are not actual nurses, they're becoming nursing assistants and other variants and actual nursing program is much more rigorous. Black women outnumber black men in everything academically so the problem for black men is always worse than it is for women. Trust me on that. As far as law school in general, my perspective is skewed. I'm in my top law school "ivory tower" but across all those schools, women of color considerably outnumber men of color. Always. One top law school only brought in 25 or so black kids total this year (mind you a top tier law school class is going to be in the 400 to 500 range), and only 8 or 9 are men.

Black people are not going into law at any degree, there are literally studies that were conducted as far back as 2005 (before the legal market was this bad) of people wondering why black and hispanic applicants to law school are going down. I don't really know the answer to that to be honest, I never looked into.


Apr 30, 2012
:mjpls: "fiend" is a strong insinuation, but all great black leaders mess around white women, when they're young, from Malcolm X to @Brokewave

Plus, I'm an equal opportunity employer, quality is quality. :yeshrug:

:childplease: But I'm not even mad, black people were only 8% of the population at my undergrad....I had to put the :nas: down. :manny:

Haven't picked it back up yet :ahh:


Aug 12, 2012
No, there aren't man black doctors PERIOD. When you say medical school, I'm thinking DOCTOR. Maybe, I misread somewhere, but there's a difference between nursing school and being a doctor. Further, most of those black women are not actual nurses, they're becoming nursing assistants and other variants and actual nursing program is much more rigorous. Black women outnumber black men in everything academically so the problem for black men is always worse than it is for women. Trust me on that. As far as law school in general, my perspective is skewed. I'm in my top law school "ivory tower" but across all those schools, women of color considerably outnumber men of color. Always. One top law school only brought in 25 or so black kids total this year (mind you a top tier law school class is going to be in the 400 to 500 range), and only 8 or 9 are men.

Black people are not going into law at any degree, there are literally studies that were conducted as far back as 2005 (before the legal market was this bad) of people wondering why black and hispanic applicants to law school are going down. I don't really know the answer to that to be honest, I never looked into.[/

God damn extremem Feminism completely destroyed the black community. :snoop:

Package of Hope or......his theme song?

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Apr 30, 2012
No, there aren't man black doctors PERIOD. When you say medical school, I'm thinking DOCTOR. Maybe, I misread somewhere, but there's a difference between nursing school and being a doctor. Further, most of those black women are not actual nurses, they're becoming nursing assistants and other variants and actual nursing program is much more rigorous. Black women outnumber black men in everything academically so the problem for black men is always worse than it is for women. Trust me on that. As far as law school in general, my perspective is skewed. I'm in my top law school "ivory tower" but across all those schools, women of color considerably outnumber men of color. Always. One top law school only brought in 25 or so black kids total this year (mind you a top tier law school class is going to be in the 400 to 500 range), and only 8 or 9 are men.

Black people are not going into law at any degree, there are literally studies that were conducted as far back as 2005 (before the legal market was this bad) of people wondering why black and hispanic applicants to law school are going down. I don't really know the answer to that to be honest, I never looked into.[/

God damn extremem Feminism completely destroyed the black community. :snoop:

Package of Hope or......his theme song?

Barack Obama - Signed Sealed Delivered - YouTube

It would have to be something that doesn't sound like a "give away." But I was honestly just tossing shyt out. You're much more optimistic about this shyt than I am. I'm eternally jaded by my time in DC and just sitting there and listening to the shyt people called up to complain about, I just remember us sitting there and not actually understanding what the hell tea party people actually wanted.