Notorious 1 E.Y.E.
So punk and colt have a falling out 10 years a go
They never speak again
Colt joins aew becomes friends with the elite
Like 2 years later punk joins aew
No beef between then
Punk goes out for injury
Elite insert themselves in the dormant punk/punk rift
Hangman drops a subliminal diss promo on punk
Punk returns
Randomly reports of punk wanting colt fired go flying thr net
Punk respnds back to hangman letting him know he heard him
Internet clutches their pearls
Punk calls out the elite for spreading fales reports trashes colt (that part was uncalled for)
Elite get mad run up on punk
Punk washes them
Elite call cops
Yo is this timeline correct?

They never speak again
Colt joins aew becomes friends with the elite
Like 2 years later punk joins aew
No beef between then
Punk goes out for injury
Elite insert themselves in the dormant punk/punk rift
Hangman drops a subliminal diss promo on punk
Punk returns
Randomly reports of punk wanting colt fired go flying thr net
Punk respnds back to hangman letting him know he heard him
Internet clutches their pearls
Punk calls out the elite for spreading fales reports trashes colt (that part was uncalled for)
Elite get mad run up on punk
Punk washes them
Elite call cops
Yo is this timeline correct?