Laetner was on the olympic practice team that scrimmage Jordan'n eem.
Where the same simialar style and type of programming.
Was the same pr'd reported programming.
for cooper flagg for a potential duke white boi.
Who scrimmage up and play up against nba pros underage.
as an amateur against nba goat level gen one dream team players .
That same success in scrimmage never panned out for laetner as a pro.
So you did nuffin here but show. Yousa c00n enabler. Who is not even well versed on this topic as well. As you do not even know.
how relevance of flagg arose. Which is attached to laetner. Whom also was an amateur with every accolade imaginable at duke. Playing up in scrimmage and having limited short success against the dream team.
Now Holla back. When you at least dig in the crate. Sohh you can be better versed on the topic.
As you also failed like that c00n ass goofie.
@Gil Scott-Heroin [imma send you ya goofie here, wrapped in the cape. He failed to cape for you in].
As well as flagg.
you failed to cape for.
You c00ns so whitewashed from your own kuklos and udc educated privilege. You don't even know anything of relevance.
about the topics you try to interject in.
Just hush it.
Or imma put you throughed't.
As you not well versed.
Nor prescient enough to stop me from putting you throughed' t it.
Art Barr