One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Word. Better question that I always end up asking brehs whenever I watch an X-Men movie/cartoon/book with is, "who you running with?" If you not choosing Magneto then it's
Word. Better question that I always end up asking brehs whenever I watch an X-Men movie/cartoon/book with is, "who you running with?" If you not choosing Magneto then it's
X-Men can be allegory for a multiple range of groups fighting for civil rights but yeah the Malcolm-Martin comparsion of Xaiver and Erik has been mentioned for a long time
Explain brehSome struggle trolling attempts in this thread
Word. Better question that I always end up asking brehs whenever I watch an X-Men movie/cartoon/book with is, "who you running with?" If you not choosing Magneto then it's
It took them 12 years of using minority metaphors to add minorities lol
They added Sunfire, Thunderbird (dead) and Storm (who irks me, a black woman with white straight hair and blue eyes, who was playing goddess with Africans)
How you saying this, @Scott Summers
Professor X would be so disappointed
Yes, I know Cyke and Mags are buddies now
I did. But you said that it can be compared to any civil rights group....You aint heard or read how X and Magneto were inspried or mirrored by Malcolm X and MLK though? I'm not saying the comparison aint lazy on the part of predominatley white writers who analyze comics or art but its been around for a few years.
XMen were really akin to homosexuals trying to fit in with regular society..That's why I always gravitated toward reading X-men as a kid. shyt always seemed deeper than just some costume and power superhero shyt.