According to Jason Black, black men are not building for these reasons...


Jul 30, 2015
Jason Black, also known as The Black Authority, believes that black men are not building for these reasons:

1. We are awaiting white daddy to command us to build. Black men as a group take their initiative and instructions from white men. We rely upon their marketing in media to tell us what we do in our daily lives. Because we seek white approval so desperately we do not make any type of disciplined move without their express approval. Since white society has not endorsed our building we have declined to initiate any. The only time we move in a regularly organized and disciplined manner are in things that benefit white people such as professional sports.

2. There is an element among us that enjoys being at the bottom of the ladder. Every slave is complicit in his own bondage. Black men have demonstrated we are the strongest man on earth and yet remain at the bottom of every social strata. This could only occur by choice and the reason for that choice is that once someone has slept on a lumpy mattress long enough they eventually get used to it. Black men have grown accustomed to being disrespected, disregarded and abused by everyone we see to the point that being humiliated no longer bothers us. It bothers everyone else except us because we have accepted and simply assume that it is our place to be the disrespected people of the society. This problem will perhaps be the most troublesome for us because self respect isn't something you can get from other people and no matter how many times other people tell us how great we are it is totally worthless if we ourselves do not believe it. So until Black men simply accept the greatness of their being our position will not change because all other members of the society including Black women have an incentive to keep us in a submissive position.

3. There is no one holding us accountable for not building. Neither our so-called "elders" nor our females criticize a man who is not producing. In non-Black communities a man must demonstrate he is able to build to get the respect of his elders. But since the old people in Black society have nothing to pass down (because they built nothing themselves) Black men grow up without any requirement by their elders to build anything. In other communities a man who does not build cannot get female attention. In Black society however being a deadbeat male is not an impediment to getting female sexual attention. In fact it can be an enhancement in some places.

4. There is no Black male elder leadership; just old c00ns and sellouts of senior citizen age. Every institution that you see in the white society was built by a white man who did it for the benefits of his people. We have no such institutions in Black society because when Black men build things they do not do it for the entire Black society. They do it for either their own instant gratification or the approval of non-Back people. For this reason we have no Black male elder leadership to pass on power wealth and influence to younger Blacks. All we have is an assorted rabble of mentally and emotionally unhinged religious zealots in churches (who build nothing), political lap dogs who serve white interests (who build nothing) and elderly, poverty-stricken, middle class flunkies who failed in white society (and build nothing). As a result young Blacks do not have an elder class of established people to look up to. Young Black men are often encouraged and pressured to show respect to the societal failures rather than to recognize that they have done nothing and to avoid them and their mistakes. As a result young Black men who build nothing follow old Black men who built nothing and those young Black men become old Black men who built nothing.

5. Single motherhood. The quickest way to turn a boy into a servant is to put a woman as his leader and deprive him of seeing a man leading the house the boy lives. The state of a society is simply a reflection of the state of the home. If a boy does not see how a man builds a home then do not expect that boy to go into society and build anything there either. A boy learns how to build by watching the man who created him build the home that he lives in and then seeing that man interact with other men who are building. Without that you will have the situation that we have today: 75% of your children raised by single mothers who get their income from white daddy which teaches these boys to bow to white men rather than to build on their own.

Do you agree or disagree? I agree with 2 and 4, but not really the rest.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
The part where he says..... old heads don't got shyt to pass down so creating/building isn't even a priority for the young nikkas coming up.... DEEP!

nikkas so clueless and lost on where to start cause these old heads ain't leave shyt for the young nikkas to build upon... sad

And now we got nikkas who are against building totally... only for self....

I understand, people got responsibilities...

But our culture seems to be against the idea totally.....

we've become ingrained into white society so deep that working for white people is the promised land for most of us...

The corniest shyt ever tho is the radical pro black brothers who don't got any plans to build.... jus gonna work for white people until they die and complain about white supremacy.... those the real clowns


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
So basically he said what everyone already knew. Thats my problem with hotep nikkas they want the MASSES of black men to build. Thats not gonna happen too many nikkas is lost in the sauce and throughout history the MASSES ain't never done shyt but die. It was always secret societies that ran the greatest empires and communities, the masses just followed the smart nikkas. A select group of black men in secret need to form a underground group that feeds, defends, shelters, and TEACHES the rest of us ingant ass nikkas so we could follow their teachings ( not lead ) to greatness. Thats what needs to happen in my opinion.


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
It's easy to pick on those elements and over analyze them like every other culture doesn't have strife similar or damn near the same.

The reality is that Capital is lacking, organization is lacking, and a forced consumer base is lacking in the black community.

I get what you're saying but as i always mention in these discussions, i think we need to stop acting like there are no black men in america with the money to start a business. I'm not even talking about celebrities either. I know black men who live very comfortably and could start a business if they wanted to. They just don't want to. They care about cars, trinkets, their upscale neighborhood and fukking bad bytches. We've gotta stop acting like all black men in america are broke and nobody has the money to start a business. Not true.

I even know one guy who was on Disability, got a fat check every month, and eventually opened a business, but he sold it to a white guy, even though he has kids he could've passed it down to. That's another thing, some black men back in the day had businesses but they sold them to white ppl. Way to go.

But back to my point, it's not like all black men in America are broke. Yes, some of us definitely lack the resources to start a business, but there are black men right now living in "good" (white) neighborhoods, driving fancy cars, taking expensive trips, buying expensive jewelry, etc. Living it up. It's not that no black men can afford to start a business, the ones who can afford it don't care (in general).

Trust me...i have a tech consulting business and i was just doing "okay" financially when i started it...i definitely wasn't making as much as some of the same nikkas we make excuses for


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
A select group of black men in secret need to form a underground group that feeds, defends, shelters, and TEACHES the rest of us ingant ass nikkas so we could follow their teachings ( not lead ) to greatness. Thats what needs to happen in my opinion.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
He is right about the older generation though. You have alot of lost nikkas outhere who have the strive to make wealth. Hence why hustling is big in our community to make some bread. However where are the old heads to tell the nikkas who hustle to use it as a means to an end. That is to tell them when is the right time to cash out and wash that dirty money clean into a legitimate business. That is what the Chinese and Arabs do. Arabs who own deli shops here in NYC in every type of illegal shyt but that clean that dirty money. Also there isnt no one teach young black men where to begin. Lack of leadership is an issue.

I want to see what the black women in the coli think? The reason because we need their input as well in this topic.
@Milk N Cookies
@Ashley Banks
@Elle Driver


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Black is on point as usual - if he showed his face he would lead the new Black Media bar none
That is his major drawback. He is hiding something that is the reason why he won't show his face. Also he act mad hyperbolic like calling Obama gay and say he and Michelle hate black people.:what:


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
I get what you're saying but as i always mention in these discussions, i think we need to stop acting like there are no black men in america with the money to start a business. I'm not even talking about celebrities either. I know black men who live very comfortably and could start a business if they wanted to. They just don't want to. They care about cars, trinkets, their upscale neighborhood and fukking bad bytches. We've gotta stop acting like all black men in america are broke and nobody has the money to start a business. Not true.

I even know one guy who was on Disability, got a fat check every month, and eventually opened a business, but he sold it to a white guy, even though he has kids he could've passed it down to. That's another thing, some black men back in the day had businesses but they sold them to white ppl. Way to go.

But back to my point, it's not like all black men in America are broke. Yes, some of us definitely lack the resources to start a business, but there are black men right now living in "good" (white) neighborhoods, driving fancy cars, taking expensive trips, buying expensive jewelry, etc. Living it up. It's not that no black men can afford to start a business, the ones who can afford it don't care (in general).

Trust me...i have a tech consulting business and i was just doing "okay" financially when i started it...i definitely wasn't making as much as some of the same nikkas we make excuses for

I feel that.

I'm saying it's usually something missing. Either the capital ain't there (not always) , or organization skills ain't there (don't know how to get a group of people together or organize whatever is being planned into a viable business: aka monetize their work into an organization/provider), or there is no consumer base that they can attract (either by their own fault or circumstance within their target consumer base) because as far as I see the black community has no forced consumer base besides african nationals and Haitian nationals who may not speak English and are forced to get their product or services from countrymen/women.

Language is really important in business. A lot of asian and hispanic business are successful almost entirely on the strength that their consumer base has no alternative, but English is not a comfortable option. Language unites the consumer base and makes it significantly easier for business owners to sell product to a target audience.

When Hispanics and Asians try to create businesses in white communities they tend to fail, because they are often met with hostility and a lack of consumer base because white people have access to those same products and services from a white business owner.

Black consumers have a mentality that they can get services and products from anyone, so we dont put value on needing to shop with someone who looks like us, because we dont have that sort of supremacy mentality. Black people actually seek out diversity.
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