Aaliyah's legacy is being milked, but she's not being promoted as a ground breaker and trendsetter after death. Those titles were applied to her in the '90's and the early '00's before she died. You could chalk it up to whatever you want to chalk it up to. Let's say Aaliyah was the wackest singer ever backed by Grade A production, it doesn't take away the acclaim that she was given BEFORE she died. When people die, things that were said about them while alive are often echoed. One In A Million was an album that helped change R&B and Urban music. Whether you want to accredit that to the production and writing is all on you. Whether you want to acknowledge that at all is on you.
The world is full of fools then, because there's a lot of people that would disagree with you about her vocals.
In terms of her being a third wheel, she's only a third wheel in terms of sales and chart hits. Monica and Brandy's impact and influence wasn't as big as Aaliyah's.
who the hell considered aaliyah a groundbreaker or even a trendsetter in the '90s? kids that were just then getting their feet wet?

and lol @ aaliyah having more impact & influence than monica & brandy back then. and i dont know why you keep bringing up sales as if thats my argument. you know dam well that im @Wacky D and i dont even get caught up in the sales chit. thats usually youre name. im a cultural impact guy. the way it should be.
please explain how aaliyah was over monica & brandy.

G's album came three months after Aaliyah's. In the short space between their albums, it's the "One In A Million" song by Aaliyah that's credited with introducing Tim's signature sound to the mainstream.
A lot of people could've sang Aaliyah's songs, but it probably wouldn't have been a perfect fit. For example, "One In A Million" had different lyrics and a different title before they changed it to fit Aaliyah.
Hit records aren't always sampled and a song doesn't necessarily have to be a hit to be sampled. People sample songs because they are inspired by that song and that song impacted them in some type of way.
PONY blew up long before the "one in a million" single dropped. youre rewriting history.
and i didnt even know daryl pearson(from swing mob) did most of ginuwine's album. the general public assumed that timbaland did it. thanks for proving my point. they both ran with the swing mob sound. its the same chit. all timbo did was put a light-hearted twist to it, in order to make it more accessible. but its the same chit.
so in other words, they probabl dumbed down the song to cater to aaliyah. youre proving my point. song wouldve probably been even hotter if somebody else did it.
you got a lot of animosity for aalyiah dawg...were you happy when star played that airplane crash sound bite
and nikka is you on something...702 was never included in my post![]()
dog, your entire post was horrible.
you need to just fall back and read up.
but i apologize if you werent the one that made that 702 comment.