We're on the blood path now
This is true. Only problem is a lot of women do not even trust themselves and/or they don't trust period. No person can change that., not matter what you do to show you are trustworthy. It is something in her. A lot of men have to realize that a woman's problem is her own and not reflective of himself, and there is nothing you can do to change that. She has to change it within herself if she has the emotional capability of doing that. A lot of people don't.When a lot of men talk that “soft” shyt what they really mean is a woman who will ACT sweet conditionally for manipulation purposes.
True submission from a woman, not just performative sweetness comes on the heels of TRUST. For a woman to be truly soft she has to be in a space where she not only trusts your judgment of her but also of the world in front of you.