heres a serious question
if islam began in 633, then what the fukk was going on before that? were all the people who came before islam doomed because they werent aware of allah?
its shyt like that that makes me

that people STILL dont accept that religions are cultural belief systems, and thats fine. but they arent fukkING REAL.
It is a great misconception amongst non-Muslims and Muslims that Islam began around 610 A.D. with the revelations given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last of the prophets sent to mankind, which means that there were prophets that came before him. Islam maintains that Jesus, Ezekiel, Noah, Moses, Aaron, Joseph, Isaac, Abraham, Lot, Jonah, Job, Ishmael, Jacob, David, Solomon, Shua’ib, and many others were sent with the same message that Muhammad (pbut) conveyed. In fact, in Islam the first man, Adam (pbuh), was a prophet of Islam. The Qur’an says that prophets were sent to EVERY people with God’s message and that message is SUBMISSION TO THE TRUE WILL OF GOD. In Arabic, the word Islam means submission to the will of God and one who submits to his will is a Muslim. When Moses (pbuh) told the Children of Israel to follow the laws of God, he was telling them to forsake their own will and submit to the will of God. When Noah (pbuh) told them to get into the Ark, he was essentially saying, forsake your own will and submit to the will of God. Lot (pbuh) told the people of Sodom to resist their own desires and submit to the will of God. The men and women who took those prophets’ advice were practicing Islam and they were Muslims. When Adam (pbuh) submitted his will to God, he was a Muslim. When Jesus (pbuh) said “not as I will, but as you (God) will,” this is an almost word for word definition of a Muslim. Therefore as long as there have been human beings, there has been Islam, but Islam goes even further than that. Not only do human beings follow Islam, but everything in existence submits to God. The grass grows as God has ordained it to. The sun shines as God ordains it to. The planets orbit the sun as God’s law commands it to. Thus everything is in submission to the will of God. Everything is in a state of Islam. Everything, that is not God, is his creation and all of his creation submits to his will. Islam began as soon as God created the first thing. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. So Islam began AT LEAST 13.8 BILLION YEARS AGO.