Religion/Spirituality A Very Positive Thread About Islam.....


Jun 4, 2012
i never said it should be black americans and nobody else in fact what ive said is that we need to make a connection between america, caribbean and africa, like marcus garvey envisioned
yes 90% of african americans come from west africa or inland from west africa
i said a lot of africans have been c00ning period, not just east and north africans, because it was africans that sold us into slavery, any african involved in a slave trade with non black people is c00n (for lack of a better word
but the fact is the eastern/islamic slave trade was going on for much longer than the western slave trade, so it is a fact that black muslims in east africa have been c00ning for longer than west africans, they literally have been c00ning for 1000 years and black muslims continue to enslave or participate in the enslavement of black people to this day, that is just a fact
This first part ur post..... you're just trying to alter your past post and points.

At least you realize that you were being foolish and decided to switch it up.

You are saying all these North and East Africans are c00ns..... All I'm saying is who are you to be able to say that?..... you don't know every war, event in history, and circumstance that was happening thousands of years ago. I think you are being ignorant as shyt by constantly referring to them as c00ns. I don't think you really know the full story about who "SOLD" us into slavery. smh.

well because they are black, and black muslims including elijah muhammad and Malcolm x have not done their due diligence in explaining that islam has a longer and worse history of black enslavement then Christianity
By 'they' I guess you mean all these ancient and modern Africans who you feel are "c00ns".............. I guess it was Malxcom X (according to you) that should have done his 'DUE Diligence" in explaining how Islam has a longer and "worse" (wow) history of enslavement than Christianity.

:wow: You are ignorant as shyt @NoMayo15 .

Let's note a few things:
1) This isn't some shocking news. In what world do you all live in that people aren't knowledgeable about Arabic slavery? :wow:
2) Black Muslim aren't some rare breed of black people, lol........... if you meet any black 'muslim' you wouldn't know it unless they told u, SMH!! :dead:
3) Apparently black Muslims from 1930-1970 who were focused on the same things as most blacks who were either revolutionary or wanted to improve our condition............ Were supposed to mainly focus on random slave trades from thousands of years ago... and recent slave trades that were happening? WOW - Because I was under the impression that they already were facing a lot by just fighting for our human rights. :lupe:

4 ) @NoMayo15 CAn you tell me? I am responding to theworldismine.... but he's fake as fukk so I'm asking you instead. Because when I read and listen to the speeches by all these guys-- the content seems very relevant for the time. It's just like when I hear a MLK speech on rights or the wealthy...... it's simply relevant to the time. I guess they could get on all sorts of tangents, but What's better for us to do ----- recognize that they were focused on our conditions and helping us............ or to say behind our laptops that they SHOULD have focused on whatever ever our fake ass imaginations can come up with about what they didn't do????

of course black leaders focused on western imperialism and western slavery because that was what had an impact on them
All you speak about is how u hate Islam and how u love Western Imperialism and that black people should adopt the principles and ideas of it.
and what i am saying is that they made a mistake by trying to turn to islam as an answer to christianity and not realizing that isalm was something worse than christianity
They fought for our human rights. Your a fool if you actually believe their main objective was to make the world Islamic. You're an even bigger fool if you can see why in the 50's people were rejecting Christianity....... they just noticed that in the past we weren't allowed to read, keep families together or be free.... but Christianity and the IDEAS of Western imperialism were always encouraged.
just like black leaders blamed american capitalism for their problems and some turned to communism, not realizing that communism represented something worse than american capitalism and even today a lot of black people swear marxism will save black people
I don't think you've ever made a post that didn't generalize black people. This is your favorite thing to say.... "Blacks are anti academic, black youth need to be place in the bushes, blacks love marx, blacks are this n that, blacks are confused but ME the God Emperor has all the answers...... I hate all the non black american black people on our Planet!!!!!!!!!........... and btw Malcolm X was a c00n who didn't do is due diligence.... I should set behind my laptop arguing w young nikkas who do more than me- so that I can sound like I know what I'm talking about. "
what i am saying is that islam and marxism is not the answer or retort to western christianity or western capitalism
and the history of the muslim slave trade in east africa is evidence that islam is not the black man's religion and the overall backwardness of islam is evidence that embracing islam is not a step forward for black people
Yea, religions are a personal choice. You setting up random BS about what black Muslims believe -- when in reality, Muslims adopt to their own culture. You've mentioned that Islam was a step forward for black people like 40 times, when not one black Muslim on this site has even hinted at that....... :snoop:
I swear you are = to any racist crakker. You live and breath off the divide and conquer of black and brown people.
You diss all brown people on our planet.
You have no solutions... but u mention any wrong doing that any African or Asian has done at any point in history--- all while hyping up Western Imperialism.
You focus on dissing religions instead of realizing that our issues are larger.......... and our solutions should be rooted in business and technology - and NOT trying to divide black people even further by belief and ideology.
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Jun 4, 2012
That pic is of a man named Nas.

I chose him because he's just one of the people that helped develop urban conscious thought in America. It's not without flaw.... but there have been conscious movements, alternative hip hop, backpacker movements, and other movements - THAT at the very least got people out their box and allowed them to explore and research a few things that people in their social economic circumstance may have not been motivated to look for.....

Clarence x did his part because of the 5% movements. Again... lol, not without flaw. But the importance can't be overstated. It became cool again (like it was briefly in the 20's, 60's, ) to be put up on shyt and to seek a path to knowledge... Creating some smart people and some smartdumb people..... But better people nonetheless.

These random movements also helped fuel the afrocentric and re-surge the pro black movements..

I shouldn't have to get into Chuck D and public enemies support of Islam's movements..... or why spin off movements opened up a generation to seeing American hypocrisy from a different angle.

The best Critiques of Religion in general came from groups like Arrested Development..... but even those groups supported the positive movements.

three videos that combine all this shyt is...

1. The Spanish occupation by the Moors began in 711 AD when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from northern Africa and invaded the Iberian peninsula ‘Andalus' (Spain under the Visigoths).

2. A European scholar sympathetic to the Spaniards remembered the conquest in this way:

[T]he reins of their (Moors) horses were as fire, their faces black as pitch, their eyes shone like burning candles, their horses were swift as leopards and the riders fiercer than a wolf in a sheepfold at night . . . The noble Goths [the German rulers of Spain to whom Roderick belonged] were broken in an hour, quicker than tongue can tell. Oh luckless Spain!

3. The Moors, who ruled Spain for 800 years, introduced new scientific techniques to Europe, such as an astrolabe, a device for measuring the position of the stars and planets. Scientific progress in Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography and Philosophy flourished in Moorish Spain


4. Basil Davidson, one of the most noted historians recognized and declared that there were no lands at that time (the eighth century) "more admired by its neighbours, or more comfortable to live in, than a rich African civilization which took shape in Spain"

5. At its height, Córdova, the heart of Moorish territory in Spain, was the most modern city in Europe. The streets were well-paved, with raised sidewalks for pedestrians. During the night, ten miles of streets were well illuminated by lamps. (This was hundreds of years before there was a paved street in Paris or a street lamp in London.) Cordova had 900 public baths - we are told that a poor Moor would go without bread rather than soap!

6. The Great Mosque of Córdoba (La Mezquita) is still one of the architectural wonders of the world in spite of later Spanish disfigurements. Its low scarlet and gold roof, supported by 1,000 columns of marble, jasper and and porphyry, was lit by thousands of brass and silver lamps which burned perfumed oil.

7. Education was universal in Moorish Spain, available to all, while in Christian Europe ninety-nine percent of the population were illiterate, and even kings could neither read nor write. At that time, Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen great universities! These were located in Almeria, Cordova, Granada, Juen, Malaga, Seville, and Toledo.

8. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, public libraries in Europe were non-existent, while Moorish Spain could boast of more than seventy, of which the one in Cordova housed six hundred thousand manuscripts.

9. Over 4,000 Arabic words and Arabic-derived phrases have been absorbed into the Spanish language. Words beginning with "al," for example, are derived from Arabic. Arabic words such as algebra, alcohol, chemistry, nadir, alkaline, and cipher entered the language. Even words such as checkmate, influenza, typhoon, orange, and cable can be traced back to Arabic origins.

10. The most significant Moorish musician was known as Ziryab (the Blackbird) who arrived in Spain in 822. The Moors introduced earliest versions of several instruments, including the Lute or el oud, the guitar or kithara and the Lyre. Ziryab changed the style of eating by breaking meals into separate courses beginning with soup and ending with desserts.

11. The #Moors introduced paper to Europe and Arabic numerals, which replaced the clumsy Roman system.

12. The Moors introduced many new crops including the orange, lemon, peach, apricot, fig, sugar cane, dates, ginger and pomegranate as well as saffron, sugar cane, cotton, silk and rice which remain some of Spain's main products today.

13. The Moorish rulers lived in sumptuous palaces, while the monarchs of Germany, France, and England dwelt in big barns, with no windows and no chimneys, and with only a hole in the roof for the exit of smoke. One such Moorish palace ‘Alhambra' (literally "the red one") in Granada is one of Spain's architectural masterpieces. Alhambra was the seat of Muslim rulers from the 13th century to the end of the 15th century. The Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

14. It was through Africa that the new knowledge of China, India, and Arabia reached Europe @Kritic what poster could verify this point...... cuz idk.

15. The Moors ruled and occupied Lisbon (named "Lashbuna" by the Moors) and the rest of the country until well into the twelfth century. They were finally defeated and driven out by the forces of King Alfonso Henriques. The scene of this battle was the Castelo de Sao Jorge or the 'Castle of St. George.'


Jun 4, 2012
I will get back to the positivity............ BUT @NoMayo15 since you inadvertently and privately begged for attention and an education.... here are some things to note:
1) The Arab slave trade originated before Islam and lasted more than a millennium

2) Unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the New World, Arabs supplied African slaves to the Muslim world - When may be a clue to why MLK, Malcolm X, the black panthers, assata shakur, and other people during the 60s spoke on the slavery that affected their people instead. Obviously, we know about history, but we focus on More direct impacts.

3) The Arab trade of Zanj (Bantu) slaves in East Africa is one of the oldest slave trades, predating the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years

4) The 'Oriental' or 'Arab' slave trade is sometimes called the 'Islamic' slave trade, but a religious imperative was not the driver of the slavery. Anyone with a Masters degree should know this, smh... or probably a Bachelors. But really anyone with PBS should also know it. So everyone should be aware.

5) Usage of the terms "Islamic trade" or "Islamic world" has been disputed by some Muslims as it treats Africa as outside of Islam, or a negligible portion of the Islamic world. Propagators of Islam in Africa often revealed a cautious attitude towards proselytizing because of its effect in reducing the potential reservoir of slaves (two takeaways from this is.... You can't really separte the histories.... as AFrica and Asia share some history........... and conversions were actually discouraged because that would mean no slaves.

6) Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.


Later on , some Asian cultures both Islamic and non- Islamic did as Europe did- and decided that blacks were inferior to their groups. While religion wasn't the driver behind this..... it's very easy for the Most Ignorant amongst the species to use anything they can to generalize groups and sub groups.

So Basically, my point isn't that that oppression wasn't as bad as all oppression. Point is, there is a reason why most notable black revolutionaries and civil rights people in America do not speak on that as much. Furthermore, it's Very sad that I had to explain it. :snoop:

The concept of an Arab identity itself did not exist until modern times. According to Arnold J. Toynbee: "The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam and in the contemporary world there is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue."

The famous 9th-century Muslim author Al-Jahiz, an Afro-Arab and the grandson of a Zanj slave, wrote a book entitled Risalat mufakharat al-Sudan 'ala al-bidan (Treatise on the Superiority of Blacks over Whites), in which he stated that Blacks:

...have conquered the country of the Arabs as far as Mecca and have governed them. We defeated Dhu Nowas (Jewish King of Yemen) and killed all the Himyarite princes, but you, White people, have never conquered our country. Our people, the Zenghs (Negroes) revolted forty times in the Euphrates, driving the inhabitants from their homes and making Oballah a bath of blood.

:wow: wow, That nikka was c00ning hard as hell :troll:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
This first part ur post..... you're just trying to alter your past post and points.

ive always said that, i havent switched up anything

You are saying all these North and East Africans are c00ns....

not just north and east africans, but also the west africans that participated in slave trading with non black people

All I'm saying is who are you to be able to say that?.....

Im the God Emperor

you don't know every war, event in history, and circumstance that was happening thousands of years ago. I think you are being ignorant as shyt by constantly referring to them as c00ns. I don't think you really know the full story about who "SOLD" us into slavery. smh.

its not clear exactly who sold us into slavery because there were different ways people got to be enslaved, and there has been massive interbreeding between the descendants of slaves and on top of that there has been interbreeding between black slaves and whites, so the reality is its not really clear who african americans are if you want to be truthful about it

but that is what brother larry is talking about, we need to understand who are (as much as we can) and we need to be sure who are enemies are before we can make make peace with them and that includes west africans because its very clear that it was west africans that sold us into slavery

and for the record im just using the word c00n because that is the word people like to use around these parts, im personally against the use of words like c00n and nikka

By 'they' I guess you mean all these ancient and modern Africans who you feel are "c00ns".............. I guess it was Malxcom X (according to you) that should have done his 'DUE Diligence" in explaining how Islam has a longer and "worse" (wow) history of enslavement than Christianity.

yeah i am most definitely picking on elijah muhammad and malcolm x, the historical fact is that the british were the ones that stopped islamic slavery

its pretty bad when the british aka the white devil has to force you to stop enslaving people

i think black muslims including elijah muhammad and Malcolm x have to explain that, why were they trying to make us embrace this religion that has literally been enslaving black people for 1000 years and literally have never stopped

1) This isn't some shocking news. In what world do you all live in that people aren't knowledgeable about Arabic slavery? :wow:

a lot of people are unaware of it, there have been plenty of threads about it and a lot of people were surprised by the information and a lot of people even denied that slavery happened under islam or that it wasnt as bad

but the overall point is that the notion of having a "very Positive Thread about Islam" is stupid unless you include 1000 years of islamic slavery in africa

2) Black Muslim aren't some rare breed of black people, lol........... if you meet any black 'muslim' you wouldn't know it unless they told u, SMH!! :dead:

i dont get what your point is

3) Apparently black Muslims from 1930-1970 who were focused on the same things as most blacks who were either revolutionary or wanted to improve our condition............ Were supposed to mainly focus on random slave trades from thousands of years ago... and recent slave trades that were happening? WOW - Because I was under the impression that they already were facing a lot by just fighting for our human rights. :lupe:

i dont get what your point is, what i am saying is that black muslims are like black communists, its people that do want black people to move forward but in their desperation they grabbed on to a worse ideology than the one that was oppressing them

Were supposed to mainly focus on random slave trades from thousands of years ago... and recent slave trades that were happening? WOW - Because I was under the impression that they already were facing a lot by just fighting for our human rights. :lupe:

yeah that is exactly what i am saying, elijah muhammad and malcolm x should have been aware and focused on islamic slavery of 1000 years ago and on the fact that it has never stopped before they went around telling black people to embrace islam

4 ) @NoMayo15 CAn you tell me? I am responding to theworldismine.... but he's fake as fukk so I'm asking you instead. Because when I read and listen to the speeches by all these guys-- the content seems very relevant for the time. It's just like when I hear a MLK speech on rights or the wealthy...... it's simply relevant to the time. I guess they could get on all sorts of tangents, but What's better for us to do ----- recognize that they were focused on our conditions and helping us............ or to say behind our laptops that they SHOULD have focused on whatever ever our fake ass imaginations can come up with about what they didn't do????

lol @ calling in backup

All you speak about is how u hate Islam and how u love Western Imperialism and that black people should adopt the principles and ideas of it.

yeah i said islam is wack and that black people should embrace capitalism, and?

They fought for our human rights. Your a fool if you actually believe their main objective was to make the world Islamic. You're an even bigger fool if you can see why in the 50's people were rejecting Christianity...

actually i just said that i completely understand why black people turned to islam just like i understand why a lot of black people turned to communism

but today its important to critique things so we dont make the same mistake twice

but Christianity and the IDEAS of Western imperialism were always encouraged.

i dont give a fuk about christianity and i think black people need to reject that also

if by western imperialism you mean western capitalism, i would disagree, black people have always been stopped from practicing capitalism, because a black capitalist is like an educated black man, its a huge threat to white supremacy, so white supremacy is always trying to stop black capitalism

see Black Wall Street

I don't think you've ever made a post that didn't generalize black people. This is your favorite thing to say.... "Blacks are anti academic, black youth need to be place in the bushes, blacks love marx, blacks are this n that, blacks are confused but ME the God Emperor has all the answers.

i wouldnt put it that way, but yeah that is the gist of it

I hate all the non black american black people on our Planet!!!!!!!!!..........

ive never said that (i actually love everybody) but lets say i have said that, so what?

black people do not owe anything to anybody, we can hate everybody if we want, there is nothing wrong with that

and btw Malcolm X was a c00n who didn't do is due diligence....

that isnt what i said, i said that black people that sold other black people are c00ns

and i said malcolm x did not do his due diligence on islam, i did not say he was a c00n

Yea, religions are a personal choice. You setting up random BS about what black Muslims believe -- when in reality, Muslims adopt to their own culture. You've mentioned that Islam was a step forward for black people like 40 times, when not one black Muslim on this site has even hinted at that....... :snoop:

actually the whole purpose of the nation of islam and other black muslims groups (and i suspect this thread) was to convince black people that islam was the way forward

I swear you are = to any racist crakker.

and you are equal to any racist desert pedophile

You live and breath off the divide and conquer of black and brown people.

most definitely, i reject any type of brown people/third world/minority alliance

You diss all brown people on our planet.

mos def i do, i diss anybody that disses me

You have no solutions..

the solution is the foundation of hip hop culture which is peace, love, unity and having fun and the 9 elements of hip hop

but u mention any wrong doing that any African or Asian has done at any point in history---

all while hyping up Western Imperialism.

i hype up western capitalism, that is correct

You focus on dissing religions instead of realizing that our issues are larger....

i actually focus on education and capitalism, i like dissing religions but its just a hobby

and our solutions should be rooted in business and technology

sure that's fine

and NOT trying to divide black people even further by belief and ideology.

i agree that we need to stop dividing black people by ideology that is why black people need to reject christianity and islam, 2 disgusting racist religions


Jun 4, 2012
[quote="theworldismine13, post: 6493555, member: 1247"]
ive always said that, i havent switched up anything
Im the God Emperor

im personally against the use of words like c00n and nikka

yeah i am most definitely picking on elijah muhammad and malcolm x, the historical fact is that the british were the ones that stopped islamic slavery

its pretty bad when the british aka the white devil has to force you to stop enslaving people

i think black muslims including elijah muhammad and Malcolm x have to explain that,

black muslims are like black communists

a black capitalist is like an educated black man, its a huge threat to white supremacy

we can hate everybody if we want, there is nothing wrong with that

and i said malcolm x did not do his due diligence on islam, i did not say he was a c00n

and you are equal to any racist desert pedophile

i hype up western capitalism, that is correct

i like dissing religions but its just a hobby

You drop classics, breh.


lol @ calling in backup

he's not backup... he messaged me without even contributing anything.... at least u gave an opinion.


Jun 4, 2012

You do know that capitalism is from the 'west' right? did you know that many of the ideas of modern capitalism come from the ideas of Europe during medieval Europe during the 13th century? Did you know many of these ideas were adopted from Islamic trade and free markets that were introduced to Europe?

3 centuries after black and brown Muslims started merchant capitalism, Europeans adopted it.

However, you promote what is refereed to as 'late capitalism' .... This is not what Black Wall street had... its that shyt that increases wealth gaps every year.... it's that shyt that leads to so much greed that brown people all over the world (who u clearly could give a fukk about) must suffer for the sake of it's survival.

I know u like to diss Detroit, but Ironically.......on Detroit Avenue in 'black ' wallstreet all those doctors, lawyers, millionaires lived there........ There weren't subscribed to the ideas u promote.... shyt the ONLY take away we can get from that situation is-
that they were FORCED to segregate... so they invested in one another.... and also that religiosity isn't what is holding us back..... We've had few communities in History more religious that Tulsa, OK.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You do know that capitalism is from the 'west' right? did you know that many of the ideas of modern capitalism come from the ideas of Europe during medieval Europe during the 13th century? Did you know many of these ideas were adopted from Islamic trade and free markets that were introduced to Europe?

3 centuries after black and brown Muslims started merchant capitalism, Europeans adopted it.

yeah so? i dont get what your point is

However, you promote what is refereed to as 'late capitalism' .... This is not what Black Wall street had... its that shyt that increases wealth gaps every year.... it's that shyt that leads to so much greed that brown people all over the world (who u clearly could give a fukk about) must suffer for the sake of it's survival.

I know u like to diss Detroit, but Ironically.......on Detroit Avenue in 'black ' wallstreet all those doctors, lawyers, millionaires lived there........ There weren't subscribed to the ideas u promote.... shyt the ONLY take away we can get from that situation is-
that they were FORCED to segregate... so they invested in one another.... and also that religiosity isn't what is holding us back..... We've had few communities in History more religious that Tulsa, OK.

what i promote is capitalism based on economic freedom and individual freedom as promoted by milton friedman

i do not have alliance with "brown people", im not even sure who these "brown people" are that you are referring to

but i do know everybody will be better off if we promote economic freedom and individual freedom

actually black wall street was based on black capitalism, and it was attacked because of the expanding economic freedom and individual freedom black wall street represented

We've had few communities in History more religious that Tulsa, OK.

they were christian, but what is the point you are trying to make?


Jun 4, 2012
yeah so? i dont get what your point is

what i promote is capitalism based on economic freedom and individual freedom as promoted by milton friedman

i do not have alliance with "brown people", im not even sure who these "brown people" are that you are referring to

but i do know everybody will be better off if we promote economic freedom and individual freedom

actually black wall street was based on black capitalism, and it was attacked because of the expanding economic freedom and individual freedom black wall street represented

they were christian, but what is the point you are trying to make?
Point is..... we miss the points and lessons in history. We are so stuck on divisions that we attack things that aren't even hurting us.

Blackwall street wasn't just Christian.... They were super christian and every aspect of society there centered around that shyt..... so socially they were superior and were able to rise together. There weren't interested in 1 millionaire or 2, they were focused on all those blacks benefiting from business on some
Claud Anderson shyt not some ol Milton Friedman bullshyt.

You want blacks to hope on the cac bandwagon and promote Ophrah Winfrey and Milton Free Man... When in reality... black militant religious folk rebuilt that area after Each riot. Black people like to say it was burned down because pro black and afrocentric people love to point out shyt about the d-evils..... However, The community finally crashed when the blacks were allowed to shop outside of their community and when they stated buying into the ideas of CACerism.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Point is..... we miss the points and lessons in history.

you havent shown what lesson i have missed

We are so stuck on divisions that we attack things that aren't even hurting us.

who is it that i have attacked that isnt hurting me?

Blackwall street wasn't just Christian.... They were super christian and every aspect of society there centered around that shyt..... so socially they were superior and were able to rise together. There weren't interested in 1 millionaire or 2, they were focused on all those blacks benefiting from business on some
Claud Anderson shyt not some ol Milton Friedman bullshyt.

chistianity just happened to be the common religion that they shared, they were all kinds of black super christians all over the country at that time, im not aware of any evidence that black wall street was particularly christian, what are you basing that assertion on? and religion falls under individual freedom, people can practice whatever they want

the reality is that black wall street is a perfect example of black capitalism at work

milton friedman was focused on individual freedom, he wasnt focused on millionaires

like ive said before, everything claude anderson was saying blends in perfectly with capitalism and that is why i cosigned what he was saying

You want blacks to hope on the cac bandwagon and promote Ophrah Winfrey and Milton Free Man...

i think black people should promote economic freedom and individual freedom

When in reality... black militant religious folk rebuilt that areas after Each riot.

i have no idea why the religion of the people is important

Black people like to say it was burned down because pro black and afrocentric people love to point out shyt about the d-evils..... However, The community crashed when the blacks were allowed to shop outside of their community and when they stated buying into the ideas of CACerism.

im not sure what this means or what point you are making but the reason black wall street was destroyed is because the black capitalism being practiced there had put to much power in black hands and white supremacists started feeling threatened

black capitalism is the biggest threat to white supremacy other than black education


Jun 4, 2012
you havent shown what lesson i have missed

who is it that i have attacked that isnt hurting me?

chistianity just happened to be the common religion that they shared, they were all kinds of black super christians all over the country at that time, im not aware of any evidence that black wall street was particularly christian, what are you basing that assertion on? and religion falls under individual freedom, people can practice whatever they want

the reality is that black wall street is a perfect example of black capitalism at work

milton friedman was focused on individual freedom, he wasnt focused on millionaires

like ive said before, everything claude anderson was saying blends in perfectly with capitalism and that is why i cosigned what he was saying

i think black people should promote economic freedom and individual freedom

i have no idea why the religion of the people is important

im not sure what this means or what point you are making but the reason black wall street was destroyed is because the black capitalism being practiced there had put to much power in black hands and white supremacists started feeling threatened

black capitalism is the biggest threat to white supremacy other than black education
:rudy: I know y blackwallstreet was destroyed........

I also know how and why it was rebuilt...

I also know y it eventually failed for good...

You should research.