from wiki -
Islam began in Arabia and from 633AD until the late 10th century it was spread after Arab armies began overtaking Christian lands from Syria to North Africa and Spain
So from what I've read they made deals with Christian leadership. Idk y people think that they were converting atheist and animal worshipers n shyt. For the Most part is was people who were already Forced converted to Christianity!
And speaking on Forced conversions..
Most of the forced conversions usually didn't happen with north africa and arabia.... it happened in the Buddist Lands and Hindu lands in south east Asia ---- BUT only when those groups wanted to go to war. It's just what happens.
By 2030 - THERE WILL BE 8 BILLION Muslims in the world... IT IS the fastest growing religion. This makes some people upset, but if we know that over 98% of these people will be peaceful.. then Y is this a horrible thing??
Let's see what some experts say:
John L. Esposito, a scholar on the subject of Islam in
"The Oxford History of Islam" states that the spread of Islam "was often peaceful and sometimes even received favourably by Christians
Conference on religion at
Yale University's
The MacMillan Center Initiative on Religion, Politics, and Society which hosted a speech from
Hugh Kennedy,
he stated forced conversions played little part in the history of the spread of the faith
80% of Muslims live outside the Arab World.