One example is when saying 'a little'
'Un chin' is Spanish
'un poquito' is taino
Depending on where u are it's used interchangeably.
Different items too are referred to with taino words like conuco(woods) batata(sweet potato) cassabe (cassava)
Places too like San Pedro de 'macoris' which was a tribe or something I believe. Thats a city in DR. Azua, nagua, etc
Dr itself is sometimes referred to as quisqueya.
Everybody knows how much Dominicans love plantains which is an African food that came over with the slaves, but few people mention the food that is always on the plate with plantains which is yuca aka cassava which was a staple of all indigenous people's diets. We also eat alot of cassava bread.
My mother's maiden name is Ynoa which is a taino word meaning poison.
The Dictionary of the Taino Language
Genetically speaking it may be nearly extinct but culturally it isn't.
The Dictionary Of The Taino Language
Maybe 40 to 50 percent of those words are regularly used in DR.