Check this out...
I understand the underlying point of your thread, however..
You may want to consider the following factors:
First, a man has a right to become a step father, if he so chooses. Now, is it a good choice for a man? Maybe or maybe not. It depends on the man and whatever situation his is in.
Next, being a step father may not be an ideal choice to be in for some men, but it could be beneficial for a child as opposed to said child being raised in a one parent household.
I would rather a child be raised in a household with a strong male presence and/or father figure than not. Of course there are no guarantees that a step father will be a good role model to a child or even a husband, but for those of them who are, then perhaps a child or children may have a chance to witness how a marriage is supposed to be, in addition to, possibility being taught discipline, morals, values and so forth.
Lastly, if you are adamant about not dealing with a single mother, then cool.
Just know this...
I hope you are young enough to find an attractive, cooperative, submissive, educated and inspirational childless woman. If you are, then I strongly suggest that you wife her up ASAP because the older you get, the least likely you will find one.
Once you get into your 30s and especially in your 40s and beyond, the majority of women you come across will have at least one child. Said child may be grown, but more than likely, that woman will be done having kids.
You can call a step father a simp all you want, but even simps don't want to die alone. I am sure you don't want to either.
Let people do what they do and you do the same. In an ideal world, it would be great to see people stick with tradition and have children in wedlock along with seeing long lasting marriages, but we live in a different time now.
I will tip my hat to any man who chooses to become a step parent, be a positive example to a child as well as to a wife/single mother.
Maybe that will encourage the child(ren) to get back in line of tradition and start their families the right way...
To each one's own!