EGG took the prophecy and set it all in motion
AERYS started the war
NOTHING about the prophecy required a self sacrifice among any involved parties
RHAEGAR is no more important or necessary to the prophecy than his father or grandfather or great grandfather or Lyannas father or grandfather or great great great great grandfather
RHAEGAR was just a piece of the puzzle who fought valiantly, who fought honorably, and who DIED LIKE A bytch at the Trident needlessly
Stop martyring him
Please tell me where I am wrong. I will wait
Aerys wouldn't have had a war to start without Rhaegar taking Lyanna away from Robert. That prompted Brandon and Rikard flying down to the capital.
He actions brought TPTWP into the world.
He didn't have to believe some silly prophecy in a book. He had a wife in Elia, a daughter in Rhaenys and an heir in Aegon. He cared about the Kingdom enough to call a tourney to meet with all the Lords to dispose his crazy ass father. If Rhaegar didn't care about TPTWP, that's all that would have happened

You don't have Jon without Rhaegar. Its like Anakin and Luke. Bardock and Goku. Jin and Kazuya. Show a little respect