Dom João Rhaegar I Targárien, O Primeiro Do Seu Nome![]()
Rei dos Ândalos e os Primeiros Homens ?

Dom João Rhaegar I Targárien, O Primeiro Do Seu Nome![]()
Sua Graça, João Rhaegar, das casas Targárien e Starque, Primeiro do Seu Nome, Rei dos Ândalos e dos Primeiros Homens, Senhor dos Sete Reinos e Protetor do DomínioRei dos Ândalos e os Primeiros Homens ?
Sua Graça, João Rhaegar, das casas Targárien e Stark, Primeiro do Seu Nome, Rei dos Ândalos e dos Primeiros Homens, Senhor dos Sete Reinos e Protetor do Domínio![]()
Man I been trying to figure it out. It seems like it would be Lancel but you would think he confessed everything once he became a sparrow. If you pay attention to what the High Sparrow said the Cersei though "......he has a lot to say about you", as opposed to saying "had" meaning he already gave up that information.who was petyr talking about last episode?
Episode 10 "Mothers Mercy"
Possible meanings:
Penance Walk - Yes
Dany and Drogo - Yes
Selyse and Shireen - Maybe
Lady Stoneheart - Possibly, not likely
Promise Me Ned - I wish
Man I been trying to figure it out. It seems like it would be Lancel but you would think he confessed everything once he became a sparrow. If you pay attention to what the High Sparrow said the Cersei though "......he has a lot to say about you", as opposed to saying "had" meaning he already gave up that information.
Some podcasters are saying he may be talking abut Gendry but that makes no sense because that would also destroy Margery's claim as queen if Gendry was presented as some sort of proof of Cersei's infidelity to Robert.
Another one could be the dude Oliver. If LF has him killed before Loras and Margery's trials who could testify against them then?
That would go back to the "seed is strong" thing. Theoretically proven that Tommen is not Robert's son and therefore not the king. But that would destroy Margery as queen alsoi can't see it being gendry. nobody knows where he is and that's Robert's kid, i don't see how Robert cheating makes cersei look bad.
how would they price he's actually Robert's son though?That would go back to the "seed is strong" thing. Theoretically proven that Tommen is not Robert's son and therefore not the king. But that would destroy Margery as queen also
The only way they can do it is by looks. That's why when Ned was reading that one book (something to do with Baratheon family history) that Jon Arryn had before he died and every Barratheon was described as having dark hair. Also why almost all of Roberts b*stards were killed cause they all had dark hair as well. You got a line of baratheons all with dark hair and all of sudden here comes these 3 kids with blonde hair and the Baratheon gene is no longer dominant. Yeah, it don't make much sense to us but that's the way they did things. That whole "seed is strong" line of thinking would they price he's actually Robert's son though?
how would they price he's actually Robert's son though?
I never got thisin the GoT world genetics are strong as hell..thats why Lannister almost every time WILL have blonde hair. Or Targs silver/white hair. Or the Starks hearty and brown haired....or how ALL the Sand Snakes have the Viper's widow's peak and eyes.
I mean its seriously real. How people say Sansa is all Tully because she bears virtually NO Stark traits.
So "the seed is strong" is a real think back how in the show Ned goes to meet Gendry and the very moment he sees him he knows its Robert's kid.
I never got this
Sansa is clearly a Stark but looks all Tully. Same with Jon and his two bloodlines. What's stopping Cersei from saying the same about Tommen?