Mitch took a lot of heat but he worked one saw Pau coming, and no one really saw CP3 coming neither
Pau was partly thanks to Logo since he wanted to do a solid for his protege. We even have to give cokehead some credit the CP3/Dwight plan was very imaginative and would’ve prolonged Kobe’s career but it failed due to outside interference from other owners.
If we’re being real here, the Lakers front office post Logo was only held together by Dr. Buss and once he died all that was left of his legacy was Kobe. I’ll keep saying it, Jeanie’s biggest fukkup since taking over the team was not bringing Logo back. He would’ve played all of this perfectly and his cache is at a level that Bron and Rich would’ve shown respect and let him handle business.
Now Logo works across the hall and is a threat to our offseason targets. Lauryn Hill said it best. It could all be so simple, but you’d rather make it hard....