A disease of unknown origin is spreading through the Kwango Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Mar 11, 2022
Nope this is before solid snake. In MGS5 vocal cord parasites, referred to as the "curse of the forked tongue" among Central African villagers,[1]are a group of parasitic organisms that infect a victim's vocal cords and kill them.
When I see clips from MGS on YT…that game is insane.
I could watch those clips all day.


Mr Solo Dolo
Dec 18, 2017

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
How many African countries have their own CDC?
  • Algeria: Institut National de Santé Publique (INSP)
  • Angola: National Institute of Public Health
  • Burkina Faso: Institut National de Santé Publique (INSP)
  • Burundi: National Institute of Public Health
  • Cabo Verde: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Pública (INSP)
  • Cameroon: Direction de la Lutte Contre la Maladie, les Épidémies, et les Pandémies (DLM)
  • Côte d'Ivoire: National Institute of Public Health
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB)
  • Ethiopia: Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)
  • Ghana: Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research
  • Guinea: Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSS)
  • Kenya: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
  • Liberia: National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL)
  • Madagascar: Ministère de la Santé Publique
  • Malawi: Public Health Institute of Malawi
  • Morocco: Institut Pasteur du Maroc
  • Mozambique: Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS)
  • Nigeria: Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
  • Rwanda: Institute of HIV/AIDS, Disease Prevention and Control
  • Senegal: Institut Pasteur de Dakar
  • Sierra Leone: Ministry of Health & Sanitation
  • Somalia: National Institute of Health (NIH)
  • South Africa: National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD)
  • Tanzania: National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)
  • Togo: National Institute of Hygiene
  • Tunisia: National Institute of Health
  • Uganda: Uganda National Institute of Public Health
  • Zambia: Zambia National Public Health Institute
  • Zimbabwe: National Public Health Institute


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
I forgot the Brother’s name, but there’s a Black dude who contracted hiv and began studying it. He traced this govt’s biological weapons program back to the mid to late 1800’s. Right around the time slavery ended.

And this country’s “vaccine initiatives” in Africa and Latin America are well documented.

You dig deep enough into the origins of this new disease and you’re almost guaranteed to find a crakkka in a laboratory coat.


it was Zears L. Miles who did the timeline. I think I have it saved in the files on my desktop. I’ll look for it when I get to the crib.
Exactly what I'm thinking. It's already a war torn place that evil crackas been trying to destroy for a long time.

They will never stop.

The more years I live, the more the biblical stories sound like they are describing the European as Earths representation of evil. The more it sounds like they are the spawn of Satan.

Only thing that constantly sways me from saying this more is because I have met and I watch and I've read the work of some historically great white folks so I can't generalize all European blooded humans, but God damn, why does ALL of the genocidal evil come from them and them ONLY?


Aug 9, 2013
Exactly what I'm thinking. It's already a war torn place that evil crackas been trying to destroy for a long time.

They will never stop.

The more years I live, the more the biblical stories sound like they are describing the European as Earths representation of evil. The more it sounds like they are the spawn of Satan.

Only thing that constantly sways me from saying this more is because I have met and I watch and I've read the work of some historically great white folks so I can't generalize all European blooded humans, but God damn, why does ALL of the genocidal evil come from them and them ONLY?
all their societies have been based around war. greeks, romans, on down the line.

when that's the foundation of your culture/society/civilization you're not so much concerned with innovation for the betterment of society in general, you're innovating for war and pillage and plunder, and the betterment of society comes from the spoils and exploitation of the conquered. there's a reason the greeks and romans would enslave and/or kill entire populations except for the teachers, artists and craft and tradesmen. hell, america did it after ww2 when they brought over all the german scientists who were responsible for alotta the sick shyt that took place during the holocaust.

i don't think white people have known or will ever know any other way.

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015

Update on unidentified illness in Congo:

Today, Congo's Health Ministry held a press conference about an unidentified illness in a remote area of Kwango province. Here's a detailed summary written by our team.

• The outbreak is taking place in very remote area with poor road access, especially now during the rainy season, which makes the investigation more difficult. Communication is also limited.

• There are high levels of malnutrition in this region and healthcare services are limited. This means the population is more vulnerable when they become sick.

• On Friday night, the health ministry received an alert from local health officials about an unidentified illness. A meeting was held on Saturday morning. The first team was sent the next day and had to travel more than 400 kilometers (250 miles). They arrived on early Tuesday after a 2-day trip.

• Based on the initial report from the team, there are currently 382 suspected cases, including 71 deaths. Of those, 27 died at healthcare centers and 44 died at home. The current number of active cases is unclear.

• The illness is characterized by fever, cough, runny nose, headache and body aches. In more severe cases, patients are also suffering from difficulty breathing. "So it really resembles flu symptoms," the health minister said.

• Out of 382 suspected cases, 198 are in children below the age of 5 and 113 are 25 or older. Among the 27 people who died at healthcare centers, 21 are younger than 10.

• Of those who died at healthcare centers, 17 died due to respiratory distress and the other 10 died due to lack of treatment. Those 10 were suffering from severe anemia but blood transfusions were not available.

Health minister: "We don't know if the anemia is caused by the disease or if the disease is occurring in addition to an anemia condition (such as malnutrition), but in any case, 10 of the 27 needed transfusions and they passed away."

• As mentioned, 44 people died at home. "It has not been confirmed by doctors. It's when a family says: 'We lost someone. They also had the same symptoms.' We count that as a case," the official said.

• Health minister: "The team that has arrived is now mapping out the symptoms to better characterize what is happening. They have also taken samples, which need to be taken to the lab in Kikwit. It's a very remote area, so it takes time to get the results and potentially identify the cause."

• Health minister: "We are fairly certain that it is respiratory, because people are dying from respiratory distress. Respiratory distress with an initial presentation that, as I mentioned, resembles flu symptoms."

• The earliest suspected case dates back to later October, which is also the start of the flu season. "Could it be a severe seasonal flu affecting a fragile population with malnutrition, anemia, and other diseases? Or could it be another pathogen? We will know once the results are in," the health minister said.

• Could it be COVID? "The mortality rate, which is around 7.5 to 8 percent (based on deaths at healthcare centers), makes us think it might not be COVID, because COVID doesn't have this level of mortality. However, this is a very fragile population, so it’s also possible that it could be a virus of that type affecting vulnerable people."

• What's the level of concern? "The alert level — I would say we're on maximum alert. This means we consider it a type of epidemic that must be monitored as closely as possible," the minister said.

"Can we expect a large-scale epidemic? I can't answer that question because I don't have a crystal ball to predict what will happen. ... It depends on the diagnosis."

"I can't say yet whether it's waterborne, a bacterial infection, or transmitted through coughing. We need to identify the pathogen first before determining how it spreads."

• Results are expected on Friday or Saturday.


Aug 9, 2013
blaming white people again :laff:

guys, its a poor region near the equator…its literally a tropical disease haven :snoop:
i know. let's ignore all the medical experimentation that's been going on over on the continent for, oh i don't know, longer than any of us have been alive, and just attribute it to tropical conditions near the equator. the proverbial Act of God.

That region must be the only region near the equator, because it's funny we rarely hear of these magical, mysterious "tropical diseases" coming from anywhere else in the number they come from africa.

my friend, you're either too willing to give the crakkka a pass, despite all evidence saying you absolutely should not, or you're too scared and/or stupid to even be in the conversation.