Showers can be a gym membership. $10 planet fitness is access to showers when you need it. YMCA additionally.
Don't know how you can tolerate the temperature though. Dude said it's climate controlled, but no doubt when it hits summer that shyt is tough plus the air quality ain't clean.
Crazy to think it's come to that. $10 for monthly showers is probably a cheaper water bill than what it is for most people, especially when you consider it's a gym membership on top of it.
If you one of those commercial real estate cats hurting because everyone went remote you can probably bank off cheap housing, at least more than what you're making now with an empty office. Don't know if it was here or not, but some company did this already. Dang near positive you can optimize the cost to roll in a fortune while helping people get back on their feet or go to the next level. Strip away most costly things, enforce some strict rules and make it barebones providing only access to necessities. You'll even attract people living frugally. There's a big market you can snatch away. Like I said, pretty sure some companies are starting to do this already as it's better than letting remote work empty your office building permanently.
Don't know if still valid today: