We don't mind losing, it's the way they're losing. There's no team identity, no defense, no offensive philosophy (all that up-tempo talk and then walk the ball up the court and have only 10 second left in the set), unbalanced starting line-up, no rhyme or reason for player rotations, no set plays and no attempt at player development.
None of this should surprise us though since the whole pre-season was a waste. Hornacek kept putting out useless lineups which would never be used. No wonder there is no offensive cohesion and floor spacing is terrible.
It's obvious that Lee and Hardaway together doesn't work, it's obvious Porzingis is not mobile enough to guard smaller players (other than Melo), it's obvious that Beasley is our best playmaker and would work better on the floor with Porzingis, it's obvious that having Willy and Beasley who are willing passers would make it easier for Porzingis, it's obvious that a having Kanter come off the bench would be much more beneficial to the team because 2nd string line-up of Baker, Hardaway, Lance Thomas, McDermott and O'Quinn is not capable of scoring in G League.
You're right. That would produce wins tho. I think Knick management may actually be onboard with a tank this season tho. If not then Hornacek is a complete idiot.