Anyone else get a vibe that Jasmine don't wanna be seen with Blake?

Also, Blake has no backbone.
This woman is basically using him as a stepping stone to living in LA and being with her sister.
And why is she talking about, "for work I can do social media, but no 9-5 job" Why do women persist on thinking that social media in a fukking job/career?!
Tania is the type of woman that tries to talk to me at a party or lounge and I give her the, "I'm sorry do you know the wifi password here?"

Also, she looks like the type that loves constant drama, creates drama from out of nowhere.
And this bird dead ass set up an "astrology appointment".....this bird gets hustled at every corner, got dayumn

That lady probably charged them $100 for 25 mins of skype.

@ Angela barreling into the US embassy trying to "get answers"..they probably hit her with, "Maam,

do you understand that we have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment than your goofy engagement"
Is it just me or does Angela look like a bad guy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

YO that scene in the Nigerian shop had me howling, with the microwave. Michael adding shyt, on some "well if I cant make it to America i'll have her buy me shyt here

Robert is a fool, is slow as fukk, and him and his brother have no game. His brother got 7 kids, Robert got 5?
I'll give it to Anny for being 31 with no kids

@ the big tall cac having a crazy uncle who looks like he just came back from Vietnam