Just watched the show
I think I got to enjoy it more than you guys that saw it live knowing that Lawler seems to be doing ok. Great news, god willing he pulls through.
- Shameus' corniness in that pre-tape was unbearable. That stereotypical 'cism toward Mexicans, Jews and the Irish.
Also I like how its PG but he can say ass in every promo because he has an accent.
-The pre-tapes w/ Bryan and Kane, again awful. Smh at no one pulling or editing Kane talking about corpses
-Dolph jobbing as always
-I thought Orton was gone for awhile filming a movie?
-PTP = entertaining. Hope they get a push and not just jobbed and forgotten
-Cody finally gets to look good and its during this shyt
-Punk was fantastic all night. Beginning promo w/ Bret was great, not caring at all about the random tag match and walking out was great, final promo w/ Bret and Cena was great. Serious/mad Cena was corny and lame as always but they got the crowd back into it and managed to actually produce some hype for the PPV out of this show, which nobody expected after what happened. I don't know why posters were saying he broke though...everything he said was very kayfabe with the storyline they're doing. Said Punk has only kept the title through any means necessary so he doesn't respect it...so unless Punk has secretly been politicking backstage to keep the title or something, that's 100% kayfabe. And of course ending it with Punk trying to cheapshot Breh and getting knocked out and cowering away, just a well-done, admirable "show must go on" performance from the three of them. It does make it more likely that Punk will keep the belt on Sunday, though, which is opposite of what I was expecting. Then again who knows how much they changed the ending at the last minute so who knows.